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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Horrified !

Obama Has Enraged the "Citizen Class"
by Austin Hill
Sunday, May 23, 2010
from www.townhall.com

The “citizen class” is horrified.

We’re speaking here of those Americans who, while they may disagree on a variety of social and public policy issues, nonetheless agree on a few, crucial matters.

Those of us among the citizen class generally agree that the United States is a good country. While far from perfect, we see our nation as being a place of tremendous opportunity, and a force for goodness around the world.

We also agree that being a U.S. citizen is a significant and distinct thing. While we respect the notion that all human beings are worthy of their “basic human rights,” we see the rights imparted to citizens of the United States as being something different, something “over and above” the category of “basic human rights.”

This is not to say that we are superior people, because we are U.S. citizens. This is, however, the greatest blessing of being a U.S. citizen. It is why so many of us in the citizen class think of our status as a “naturally born citizen” as being a God-given gift, and we celebrate those who legally earn American citizenship as well.

But along with the distinctiveness of being an American citizen, those of us among the citizen class also regard our nation’s sovereignty as something that must be safeguarded as well. Political philosophies, governmental structures, and economic systems are not morally neutral – some work far better than others. And the structures and institutions and governing philosophies of the United States have produced a far higher level of human flourishing and freedom than any others. For this reason, if for no other, our nation must always be regarded as separate and distinct.

Our nation is good, U.S. citizenship is distinct, and national sovereignty is non-negotiable. In a nutshell, this is the mindset, the worldview, of the citizen class. It has nothing to do with one’s ethnicity, or socioeconomic background, or sexual orientation, or gender. It has everything to do with one’s most deeply held beliefs.

Not every U.S. citizen possesses the “citizen class” view (clearly some Americans don’t understand the blessing of their status), yet a majority of us still do. And no matter how much we may disagree on other matters, those of us in the citizen class won’t budge on these three items.

And this why President Obama has enraged the citizen class. He has planted the seeds of doubt regarding our nation’s goodness, and has implied that U.S. citizenship, and national sovereignty, are irrelevant.

While an overwhelming majority of the citizen class supports Arizona’s effort to uphold the significance of citizenship and sovereignty, President Barack Hussein Obama has sided with the United Nations, Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez, China, and the President of Mexico in opposing the state of Arizona. One would hope that the President of the United States – any President of the United States – would seek to protect all fifty of the states that he governs from international criticism, even if he didn’t happen to like the behavior of one of his states. But our current President stands united with some of the most thuggish regimes in the world, in opposing his fellow Americans of Arizona.

Worse yet, our President not only allowed, but enabled Mexican President Felipe Calderon to publicly humiliate our fellow Americans of Arizona, while standing on the sacred grounds of the White House. And President Obama’s party – the ruling party in Congress – couldn’t rise to their feet quickly enough and offer thunderous applause, when Mr. Calderon publicly humiliated Arizona during an address to both the Senate and House last week.

It’s nothing short of disgraceful to see the President of the United States undermine us, while the entire world is watching. His behavior has, in no small part, called in to question just how “united” the United States of America is right now.

Yet in the midst of the disgrace, there are hopeful signs. The citizen class has whole-heartedly rejected the agenda (such that it is) of Barack Obama. It began last November with statewide elections in New Jersey and Virginia, where gubernatorial candidates endorsed by Barack Obama both lost. It moved on to Massachusetts where Obama’s choice for U.S. Senate lost to Republican Scott Brown.

And now, evidence of the rejection of Obama’s agenda has radiated from Utah, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky. And we haven’t even seen yet how the President’s trashing of Arizona will impact elections yet to occur.

The louder President Obama and his party cheer, the greater the rage of the citizen class. And the citizen class won’t be ignored much longer.

Copyright © 2010 Salem Web Network. All Rights Reserved.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

somebody please wake me up !

State Departments PJ Crowley, Assistant Secretary of State, Michael Posner whose boss btw is (the, so far, silent but guilty as hell ) Hillary Clinton and hypocrite Janet Napolitano who asked for something to be done on the border against the illegal invasion as 21st Governor of Arizona from 2003 -2009 and of course, head flunky, Barak Obama who will go down in history as the Marxist that almost destroyed the United States of America are all apologizing to China (Tienanmen Square) and Mexico's Phillipe Calderone (18000 dead in Cartels drug war last year and where illegal aliens are put in prison for 1st offense and 10 years for second ) for Arizona's right to protect it's citizens against invasion from enemies, both foreign and domestic..

When asked if they, including Attorney General (dropped charges against the rascist, club wielding Black Panthers "Voter Intimidation New Black Panther Style" in front of the polling place dumbassed nappy headed soldiers of Malik Zulu Shabazz who I've written about before and flake of the century, Eric Holder, read the law (which is identical to the existing federal law) they all answered NO !

somebody please wake me up !


Monday, May 10, 2010

La Raza - Reflections and Warnings;

Talk about inflammatory and inciting to violence - this is ' kill the White, South African Farmer, all over again !

Only it's not South African redistribution they want, and it's right here in the United States, well, California and Arizona mainly. And it's not the White South African they want to kill.....

This is exactly what was happening a few years ago in California with the
La Raza movement..."For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada."

That closing two-sentence motto is chilling to everyone who values equal rights for all. It says: "For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing." and now 'Machete' , a new Film that evokes race war !

And now, we have Cinco De Mayo at the High School where four White American students were sent home for wearing American Flag T-shirts to show their American Pride...

Then, you've got the ignorant illegals and 'supposed citizen' chicano Americans, celebrating Cinco De Mayo in general, who just want to stay out of the notorious Federale Mexican prisons and were told of their entitlement to America........

Forewarned is forearmed !

I can't believe we've left our guard and gates down for so long that the wolves are now in the house - there used to be a wolf problem in America years ago, but that was taken care of too!
