My take on Obama's November 3rd, post 2010 midterm election speech.
Obama is a moron and so are those who believe like he does, that people should not be turned down or forced to pay more for health care insurance when they get sick and then go shopping for it, are , like I said, just a bunch ignorant shitheads.
The time to buy 'insurance' is before you get sick.
That is what insurance is. You do not buy accident insurance after you wreck the car and expect them to pay for the accident, the next one maybe, but not this one.
Don't you just get so sick of those menatally challenged people who live in the 21st century yet have the understanding of an infant.
Even though Obama's been forced, or as any ghetto street activist would understand - 'bitch slapped awake' to eat crow regarding the people's ultimatum against his agenda, he still has not come to grips with the reality that it is repeal not compromise on "Obama Care" that the people want.
A journalist from the Wall Street Journal brought up how the EPA was given legal authority to take liberties in making laws regarding "greenhouse gases" bypassing the Congress and the wishes of the people.
Why the hell was that jaded, bespectacled moran from Bloomberg News who enjoys slurpees even allowed on the premises.
Is bloomberg in trouble or what?
Obama reminisced on his campaign acceptance in Iowa.
"My parents instilled the same ethics and priniciples as the people in Iowa!"
Were the people of Iowa raised and nurtured to become Marxist anarchists and radicals hell bent on extrimist anti American usurpation of power and the destruction of the Constitution and its Republican foundations ?
I'm afraid he flipped the switch but still doesn't see the light !
The time to buy 'insurance' is before you get sick.
That is what insurance is. You do not buy accident insurance after you wreck the car and expect them to pay for the accident, the next one maybe, but not this one.
Don't you just get so sick of those menatally challenged people who live in the 21st century yet have the understanding of an infant.
Even though Obama's been forced, or as any ghetto street activist would understand - 'bitch slapped awake' to eat crow regarding the people's ultimatum against his agenda, he still has not come to grips with the reality that it is repeal not compromise on "Obama Care" that the people want.
A journalist from the Wall Street Journal brought up how the EPA was given legal authority to take liberties in making laws regarding "greenhouse gases" bypassing the Congress and the wishes of the people.
Why the hell was that jaded, bespectacled moran from Bloomberg News who enjoys slurpees even allowed on the premises.
Is bloomberg in trouble or what?
Obama reminisced on his campaign acceptance in Iowa.
"My parents instilled the same ethics and priniciples as the people in Iowa!"
Were the people of Iowa raised and nurtured to become Marxist anarchists and radicals hell bent on extrimist anti American usurpation of power and the destruction of the Constitution and its Republican foundations ?
I'm afraid he flipped the switch but still doesn't see the light !