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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1st Amendment - out the window, if you're a conservative;

Congressman (God help us) Louis Slaughter, (her name even incites violence) because she believes the liberal, pot smoking, mentally disturbed killer Jared Loughner got his ideas from Conservatives, senator Louis Slaughter wants to regulate "conservative" talk radio .. because of it's opposition to the progressive Obama Government's socialist agenda..

Congressman Paul Kanjorski On Florida Governor Rick Scott: “Put him against the wall and shoot him.”

famous inflamatory quotes (hate speech) of the wimp who would be your president...

Barack Hussein ala akbar Obama

1. “Whose Ass To Kick”

Obama got very defensive when questioned about his inaction on the BP oil spill during an interview for American television on June 7, 2010 and said the following:

2. Bring a Gun to A Knife Fight

During a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania furndraising stop during the campaign on June 13, 2008, Obama echoed Sean Connery’s famous “Chicago Way” monologue during the election campaign.

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama told the audience. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

3. “Argue With Neighbors, Get In Their Face”

At another campaign stop on September 18, 2008, Obama advocated that his supporters “argue with [people], get in their faces”:

4. “I don’t want to quell anger… I’m angry!”

At the height of public resentment at bonuses being paid to Wall Street investment bankers, Obama said on March 30, 2009 that “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry. I’m angry.”

Although Obama did say he wanted to “channel our anger in a constructive way,” he did not specify how that anger would be channeled.

5. “Get out of the way”

On August 8, 2009, Obama lashed out at Republican critics of his handling of the economy.

“I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don’t mind cleaning up after them, but don’t do a lot of talking.”

6. “Gearing up for a Fight”

During a weekly radio and television address on February 28, 2009, President Obama laid out his plan to reform healthcare in America. He also had a message to the special interests opposed to his agenda.

“I know they [the special interests and lobbyists] are gearing up for a fight as we speak. My message to them is this: so am I.”

7. “Punish Our Enemies”

In a 2010 midterm campaign message to Latino voters, Obama urged Hispanics to “punish our enemies” by…. voting Democrat, of course. What were YOU thinking? And who exactly is “our,” anyway?

8. “Itching For A Fight”

In an attempt to show his Democrat Party that he did not “cave in” to Republicans on extending the Bush tax cuts, Obama told the party faithful on December 13, 2010:

“I will be happy to see the Republicans test whether or not I’m itching for a fight on a whole range of issues,” Obama said last week. “I suspect they will find I am. And I think the American people will be on my side on a whole bunch of these fights.”

Obama repeated this phrase over and over again during many speeches. He also described the next two years of his administration’s relationship with the Republican-controlled Congress as a “fight.”

9. “Hand-To-Hand Combat”

In a direct plea to African-American and other minority voters, Obama said during October 7, 2010 radio interview that a Republican victory in the mid-term elections would mean “hand-to-hand” combat on Capitol Hill for the next two years.

“If they’re successful in doing that, they’ve already said they’re going to go back to the same policies that were in place during the Bush administration. That means that we are going to have just hand-to-hand combat up here on Capitol Hill.”

10. “It’s Time To Fight For It”

Barack and Michelle got together for this mid-term election plea to ACORN and SEIU members that now is the time to “fight for it.”

Obama clearly has Giffords and the 6 dead people's blood all over his hands.

Monday, January 10, 2011

"never let a good crisis go to waste" !

The unfortunate killings in Arizona by 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner has gone viral over the airwaves.
This is another crisis to be exploited by the left as in Rahm Emanuels words
"never let a good crisis go to waste" !
And they're not!

The Sheriff of Pima County, Clarence Dupnik, who is obviously upset that Arizona is a Republican stronghold where the party members hold a two-thirds majority in both chambers of the legislature and occupy the governor's office, stated, "We have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry," and has bacisally indicted the Conservative movement, read "Tea Party Patriots", as the shooters influence, while all the usual Marxist suspects on the left have chimed in by grabbing the microphone to condemn the right as instigators of "VITRIOL" in order to shame us into some sort of silence and thereby abandoning our victories on the front lines of discourse allowing the anti American anarchists the advantage...

The obvious lunacy and disappointment of the unhinged, and I'm referring to the left here with their Ad Hominem tactic that we will see more of in the coming days, will become louder and be aimed at Conservatives, the protectors of the America Republic.
I will not take blame or be guilted into any relinguishment of spoils or fervor of the ground won in this fight to correct the destruction done by the progressive rot which has grown like mold over the traditions and liberties as instructed by the Founders.

Do not get sucked into the wishful thinking and finger pointing of the leftist Marxists whose part in this sinister plot to derail America has stung even the most responsible, controlled citizen into thoughts of rage.

It is understood by all how those of less temperament could act out.
And how someone, or some disgruntled group, under pressure to gain control of the battle, and make no mistake, this is a very serious battle with much at stake, could use an easily influenceded hitman to lead-by deception, a person to play a particular role in their sinister plot to frame another person or movement thereby discrediting them with a manufactured association..

Supposedly, there is a hunt for an accomplice and if so, I trust said person is put to justice.
But for now, we must turn these accusations toward those whose actions of treason and fraud are truly at fault. We must put word out that the lefts actions in government, the corruption of Attorney General Eric Holder's Justice Department and control of the Congress led by speaker Pelosi and Harry Reid for four years and with Obama's disrespect and distortion of the Constitutional Process for the last two years all for some misguided and very dangerous George Soros pipedream of socialist
centralisation and redistribution of wealth..

Is it really any surprise that the discontent of the less tempered would be unleashed?

Are you going to feel guilt or aplogise for real and legitimate anger for "Redress of Greivances" ?
Oh, the left would certainly dine on that humiliation and admission of defeat.

They've come to expect that behavior from weak kneed Republicans which is why they've come to confusion and fear the resolve, courage and strength of the new Patriot...stand strong !

"To constrain the brute force of the people,
the European governments deem it necessary to keep them down by hard labor, poverty and ignorance, and to take from them, as from bees, so much of their earnings, as that unremitting labor shall be necessary to obtain a sufficient surplus to sustain a scanty and miserable life." --
Thomas Jefferson to William Johnson, 1823.