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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Workers of the World Unite - my ass !

You know, I don't like the AFL-CIO . AFL President Richard L. Trumka at the Institute of Politics, Harvard Kennedy School, basically called Americans against the Obama agenda of big Government angry un-American racists. How about the UAW (United Auto Workers) and SUI squabbling over the favoritism given SEIU by Obama.
Payback's name is H. Craig Becker.

That's who President Obama nominated for a seat overseeing federal labor laws on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Mr. Becker's record as a top lawyer for both the Service Employees International Union and the AFL-CIO is so troubling that even Democrats such as Sen. Blanche Lincoln of Louisiana and Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska thought someone else should be found for the job. Though the Senate has consistently refused to confirm Mr. Becker, the president has no intention of abandoning Big Labor's champion.

Mark Mix of the National Right to Work organization reports that in 2007 alone, Mr. Becker's lawyering forced 63,000 California workers to pay union dues even after rejecting union membership. He allowed repeated "home visits" for union backers, designed to pressure workers to sign public union-organizing petitions. Unions were "formed to escape the evils of individualism and individual competition. ... Their actions necessarily involve coercion," Mr. Becker once explained.

So, to payback the Unions for their successful election efforts for Obama, America now owns 70% of GM and Chrysler which by default saves the UAW (if the auto co's were allowed to go bancrupt as it should be, all contracts would've been renegotiated and the Unions couldn't let that happen) ..

Oh, now the UAW wants to sue for unfunded cradle to grave pensions !

DETROIT – The United Auto Workers union has sued General Motors Corp., saying the automaker owes it $450 million for retiree health care.

In the lawsuit filed Tuesday in federal court in Detroit, the UAW said that in 2007, GM agreed to pay $450 million to settle a UAW claim against auto supplier Delphi Corp. as part of Delphi's emergence from bankruptcy protection. Delphi is GM's former parts division.

If the union sues GM for an unfunded pension liability and YOU own GM then who do YOU suppose fills the overpaid slackers of GM's pension plan deficiency ? - comrade !

GM says they paid back in FULL (?) ...they still owe $43 billion of TARP MONEY - a shell game where they got money from tarp and only used part of it...Then they went for what they hadn't used to pay back what they borrowed the first round - got it ?
paid back what they borrowed from you with more money thaey borrowed from you !
How's your ass feel now ?

I still won't buy a Gm product, just because of the dirty little communists and their socialist unAmerican ideologies proven by their support and collusion with the Marxist regime in control now..besides, I'm still not convinced GM makes a worthy product and I havn't heard overwhelming praise from any owners. But I have seen what sits in GM parking lots and it aint overwhelmingly GM !

The only facist political machines worse than Obamas Chicago style syndicate is the Unions, including the really dangerous, George Soros supported, Andy Stern administered SEIU ..

Workers of the World Unite - my ass !

Arizona's "Illegal Immigration Law" !

There's no way back;

The opponents of the Arizona "Illegal Immigration Law" IE; The La Raza Lobby, anarchist subversives and the illegal immigrants themselves, who by the way, by no stretch of the imagination can be considered American, are saying,

"If every state had its own laws, we wouldn't be one country; we'd be 50 different countries," said Thomas Saenz, president and general counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

Patriots, we know there are 50 sovereign States that tell the Federal Government what to do in America as a Constitutional Republic. But that is an alien concept to people who migrate here from totalitarian countries where the people have no clue that they, and not the elected representatives of government, should run the country.

So, with a great misunderstanding (common among many of our own citizens with ancestry) between the concepts of a democracy and a Constitutional Republic, they proceed to dismantle the foundations of the very system responsible for their migration and ignorant arrogance !

This is why immigrants must be made to study and understand the founding of America and it's design. Coming through the back door for all the wrong reasons is not an education or understanding as to the foundations of the greatest nation in the world!

Thus the fear of real Americans leaving this world with the Nation hanging in the balance. On one side you have the irony of the barbarian immigrants who want to change it into the image of the failed states they've been driven from (duh!) and the true beneficiaries, the children who have been steeped in foreign ideologies and failed progressive dogma which has turned them into zombies with no collective historical memory and worse, no loyalty. Like the spoiled cool-aid drinkers they've become, will squaunder their inheritance and find that, after the destruction, there's no way back.

We must support the efforts of Arizonians to protect themselves from a growing menace that threatens to make them subordinate to a pestilence of historic proportions. It could be your problem next and there must be a precident.

If Arizona fails ,so shall you !


Friday, April 23, 2010


from an email;

DECLARATION OF OPINIONS: For posterity if no other reason.

IMO Barrack Hussein Obama is not the President of the United States.

IMO Obama is not American, was not born in America, was never granted American Citizenship and is not Constitutionally Qualified to be President of America.

IMO Obama is a Muslim and says publicly America is no longer a Christian nation.

IMO Obama is a Marxist.

IMO Obama does not work for or in the interest of the American people.

IMO Obama is a pawn of and a willing participant with Interest detrimental to the United States.

IMO Obama is a natural born liar whose specialty is intentional deception and deceit.

IMO Obama's lies to and deception of the American people is aided/abetted/supported by the Washington Establishment, the Corporation, it's Politicians, it's Courts and it's Controlled Media.

IMO Obama is guilty of Treason and all those supporting his charade are equally guilty of Treason as all are aware he is not 'Constitutionally Qualified' to be President.

IMO Obama is President of the CORPORATION of THE UNITED STATES which has its own Constitution and is controlled by Foreign Interest.

IMO Obama and the Corporation are not loyal to the American people, the Republic of the United States or its organic (original) Constitution.

IMO Obama, other recent Presidents, the Supreme Court, most Congress Persons and Cabinet Officials are following the orders of the Illuminati, Bildebergers, Fed Res owners, BIS and the like to stop at all cost the return of the United States and it's Constitution and to preserve the Corporation where their true allegiance lies and each knows and understands exactly what they are doing and most have accepted huge bribes guaranteeing their exposure to blackmail should they stray from their commitments which amount to Treason.

IMO Obama has blocked the funding of the Prosperity Program Fundings from the beginning of his Presidency, orders he inherited from Bushes controllers and he continues to try do so even this very day.

IMO Obama believes himself to be "The President of Everything" and "The Ruler of the World" and is not hesitant to say this even to other World Leaders.

IMO Obama shuns traditional American Allies and embraces tradition American enemies publicly and often.

IMO Obama is in the process of 'changing', i.e. 'destroying' traditional America.

IMO Obama has saved and protected corrupt financial institutions while passing the cost onto taxpayers.

IMO Obama is supported by and controlled by these institutions while pretending the opposite is true.

IMO Obama is personally corrupt holding stolen American Taxpayer Funds in his personal name in several Foreign Bank Accounts while attempting to sell the income stream from the Unconstitutional Healthcare Bill 30 years in advance of its realization.

IMO Obama has attempted to steal ALL program funds dozens of times using Professional Hackers, Pentagon, White House and Supreme Court Computers, Government computer experts and outside helpers such as Bill Gates.

IMO Obama has 'borrowed' America into the poor house for generations to come in his quest to save 'the status quo'.

IMO Obama's actions and his words are usually opposite each other.

IMO Obama's policies are designed to intentionally bankrupt our Country, our people and the currency leaving the people dependent upon Government for their survival.

IMO Obama is the leader of the largest sewage treatment facility in the world which is broken and no 'treatment' is taking place.

IMO Obama is more intimate with Goldman Sachs than with his wife. He is Goldman's 'mistress' having received one million $ from them already for 'services rendered'. The Chairman of Goldman has Carte Blanche at the White House.

IMO Obama is the greatest Oval Office disaster since Woodrow Wilson.

IMO Obama is the first President of the New World Order in keeping with his own comments and the G-20 statement that this is the first year of the NWO.

IMO Obama's decisions to bailout the corruption of Wall Street, the Banks, the GSE's, Derivatives and even Insurance Companies like AIG on the backs of generations of taxpayers is designed to save the 'insiders' who gamed the system while guaranteeing a future Sovereign Debt Failure of the Country for the immediate benefit of the Corporation and its allies.

IMO Obama is 'on board' and was on board before becoming President with the NWO plan to exercise absolute despotic control of the people thru such as the Healthcare Bill and the Cap and Trade Legislation.

IMO Obama is 'taking over' control of all aspects of the U.S. economy on behalf of his Communist NWO 'handlers' one step at a time wielding future and present taxpayer debt obligations as his sword and with a 'god complex' as he does so.

IMO Obama is the leader and most excellent representative of left wing extremist who are determined to cram their 'beliefs' down the throats of all Americans especially those who do not agree with them, even attacking regularly and barring from schools and Government Buildings such venerable institutions as the Boy Scouts of America. "A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent" reads The Scout Law. His Oath says "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight". Obama and his ilk find these values unacceptable to them and have brought a number of lawsuits against the Scouts primarily because they will not allow homosexual Scoutmasters, a position unacceptable to Liberals. Buildings left to the Scouts in the Will's of deceased former members have been taken from them by the Government, Obama's Government. This 'expansive' item is offered as an example of the 'change' and the 'takeover' of Historical America by the Liberal/Communist Elites who are led by Obama.

Repeating now, Obama says one thing and does the opposite. He is a natural born and accomplished liar. He believes himself to be so "slick" that the American people can not see what he is doing but should they see it makes no difference to him as his control of the Liberal Media is such that what he says is repeated so often in keeping with his 'Management of Perspectives' that "perception becomes reality" at least in his own mind.

IMO Obama will be 'exposed' for all to see.

IMO the American people will be staggered, dumbfounded and astonished at the shear magnitude of the lies sold to them by the Government/Corporation/Obama.

These opinions have absolutely nothing to do with Obama's skin color so help me God.

4-22-10 opinion

Thursday, April 22, 2010

'Clean Water Restoration Act' and your Private Property Rights slipping away

The DemoCrats have been very active on all fronts of late.

It's eally a chore keeping up with them..Probably like turning on the lights at congress or the White House these days.

Speaking of cockroaches, ACORN is into a magic act where they get you to watch one hand, the one that goes through motions of closing shop all over the country while the other hand is busy changing the name on the sign out front..

There is a new (to us) Bill out there, Clean Water Restoration Act. “Removing the word ‘navigable’ from the definition 'and adding the word ALL of waters of the United States means you lost control of the water on your land as well as the use of the land like San Joaquin.

This 'Clean Water Restoration Act's power to enforce will be given to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)....

Thanks Obama and Comrades of the National Socialist Party.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

McViegh Wasn't Born of Someones Free Speech, McViegh Was Born of Fire

The Insurgent Left, through it's personal bullhorn, Bill Clinton, among others, in it's goal to steal away the Tea Party Patriots First Amendment Rights by defamation, intimidation and now contrived association, is proclaiming that the Constitutional Conservatives are inciting violence by speaking out against an Administration that is setting the foundation, via the ruin of America, for a tyranny as un-American as anything that ever existed.

Upon the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord which were fought on April 19, 1775, in Middlesex County, 'The Shot Heard Around The World", the left wants the world to believe that the Patriots demonstrating in DC are somehow commemorizing the bombing of the Murrah Building when a Timothy McVeigh, just home from Desert Storm, destroyed the FBI's Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City which murdered 168 people in what became known as the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Clintons message is that the Tea Party's free speech and non violent demonstration is somehow inciting a new McVeigh.

That's odd because, as I remember it, McViegh wasn't born of someones right to Free Speech. No! McViegh was born of the fire of the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, TX.

That invasion by federal forces and directed by Janet Reno (remember that one?) carried out by the ATF, FBI and any other jack booted, over amped cowboy they could come up with, ended a 51 day seige of the compound and resulted in the unecessary murders of 86 people, 4 of them officers. Some may think the term "murders" of those of the Branch Davidians is unfounded.
But there are those also who know that the Government could have arrested David Koresh (on gun charges) with no problem because they knew through surveillance that he and another went to town almost daily in a pickup truck.

Those innocents didn't have to die !

McVeigh later said that the government’s mishandling of that situation in Waco and a smaller incident at Ruby Ridge where Randy Weavers Farm was trespassed on Aug. 21, 1992 by a team of six U.S. marshals, split into two groups. (again, he was 'entrapped' on gun charges)
"This case began after Randy Weaver was entrapped, as an Idaho jury concluded, by an undercover Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agent to sell him sawed-off shotguns."

One of the marshals threw rocks at the Weaver's cabin to see how much noise was required to agitate the Weaver's dogs. A few minutes later, Randy Weaver, Kevin Harris, and 13-year-old Sammy Weaver came out of the cabin and began following their dogs. Three U.S. marshals were soon tearing through the woods. FBI snipers took their positions around the Weaver cabin a few minutes after 5 p.m. on Aug. 22. Within an hour, every adult in the cabin was either dead or severely wounded -- even though they had not fired a shot at any FBI agent.

Randy Weaver, Mr. Harris, and 16-year-old Sara Weaver stepped out of the cabin a few minutes before 6 p.m. to go to the shed where Sammy's body lay. FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot Randy Weaver in the back. As Randy Weaver, Mr. Harris, and Sara Weaver struggled to get back into the cabin, Vicki Weaver stood in the cabin doorway holding the baby. Agent Horiuchi fired again; his bullet passed through a window in the door, hit Vicki Weaver in the head, killing her instantly, and then hit Mr. Harris in the chest.

McVeigh was born by the serious mistakes made by out of control Government at Ruby Ridge and Clinton's orders at Waco.

So for the Marxist Government in office now or Clinton then, it seems rudely hypocritical for them to be blaming the Tea Party for the likes of Timothy McVeigh or anyone else for that matter.

I've often wondered if Clinton wakes in horror at night hearing the screams of all those women and children burning to death at Waco.
I'm sure he does !

This is exactly why, now, the majority and growing, of everyday, law abiding American citizens are hell bent on getting the stink out of the White House and Congress and restoring the Constitutional Republic of the Founding Fathers..

So, before they, the elitist, Politburo wannabes start accusing the true believers, protectors and defenders of America, the law abiding citizens of this Constitutional Republic, they should first be absolutely sure they are on the right side of truth, honor and the morality that is The United States of America.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Obama a Moslem ? No doubt !

See and hear for yourself !

So, what do you think ?

He did a lot of Islam is peace rhetoric in the video...is this what he's talking about ?

By Douglas J. Hagmann, for The Northeast Intelligence Network;

16 April 2010: It was a scene that left one of the most hardened Chicago detectives I know shaken. He described the murder scene to me last night as one of the worst he has seen in his career, and he has seen some of the worst.

Responding early Wednesday morning to the scene of a multiple shooting inside a bungalow located in the 7200 block of South Mozart Street, Chicago, IL were the bloodied and lifeless bodies of Tawanda Thompson, 19, who was in the late stages of pregnancy with a girl; Keyshai Fields, 16, also four-months pregnant; 3 year-old Keleasha Larry, and 7 month-old Jihad Larry. There were all methodically murdered in an early morning shooting spree allegedly at the hand of 32 year-old James A. LARRY, Tawanda Thompson’s husband. They were married less than a month. In addition to the dead, 57 year-old Leona Larry, the suspect’s mother and his 13 year-old nephew, Demond Larry were critically wounded.

Considering the unborn children, six lives were shortened by murder and two more lie in the balance. The act was particularly brutal, according to the homicide detective, who provided this author with the details of the murder scene on the condition his name not be used.He confirmed some of the published and unpublished police reports and sources, stating that the suspect shot his wife first, the bullet entering her throat. He then methodically executed the others in the house, shooting each victim in the head or face. When he realized that his pregnant wife was still alive, he turned and shot her in the head, killing her and her unborn child –a girl.

And one 12 year-old girl witnessed nearly the entire event, herself narrowly escaping death by running in her pajamas to a nearby gas station for help as the suspect shot at her. At the gas station, the traumatized young girl telephoned her mother, saying that her uncle “killed everyone.” The suspect, James LARRY, was apprehended by police a short time later. He was charged yesterday with four counts of first-degree murder, four counts of attempted first-degree murder and two counts of intentional homicide of an unborn child.

When arrested, the suspect expressed remorse. He reportedly told arresting officers that he was sorry, but not for the murders. “He was sorry that he ran out of bullets,” confirmed the detective. The motive? His wife and family would not submit to Islamic doctrine.

As he described the scene inside the house and the suspect’s apprehension to me last night, this hardened police detective who I’ve known for the last eight years was more upset than I’ve even known him to be. Upset over the deaths, upset over the motive, and upset at the legal system. “This didn’t have to happen,” he said. “But it did, and it will probably happen again in another community, to another family,” he stated. “The reason it happened here and the reason it will happen again is that we’ve allowed our prisons to become recruiting grounds for Islamic fundamentalism that teaches this twisted [expletive deleted]. And our system has become too lenient, too ‘PC,’ and too afraid to confront this problem, so now we have nearly an entire family murdered by a guy quoting Allah and the Qu’ran.”

Charged: James A. LARRY

James A. LARRY converted to Islam while serving time in prison. Having a number of prior convictions, LARRY was most recently sentenced in 2002 to 5 ½ years in federal prison after pleading guilty to possessing a firearm as a felon. He was paroled in April of 2007, but spent three months in a halfway house after he admitted smoking marijuana while on probation.

It was during his time in prison that he began receiving visits by prison imams through the Islamic prison outreach program. “He became increasingly radicalized with orthodox Islamic beliefs, ultimately demanding compliance to fundamentalist Islam by his wife and family,” stated the detective. “He [allegedly] killed his wife because she would not wear Muslim attire, and would not follow his beliefs,” he stated. “It was an honor killing, pure and simple, but don’t count on hearing that in the media.”

An in-depth look exposing the infiltration of our prisons was published in our February 17, 2010 article titled From the Places to the tombs, a Pandora’s Box of peril. Until we put a stop to this brand of prison outreach, expect the body count in the U.S. to rise.