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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Location: United States

About me, Hmm Read my posts and make up your own mind

Monday, October 31, 2005

Kamau Kambon - Guilty of hate crimes

On Oct. 14th a seriously fucked up paranoid psychopath, who by the way, is an affiliated professor of African Studies 241 at N.C. State University Was speaking at Howard University Law School in Washington DC. where Kambone was caught in his whole hearted hatred and conspiracy to murder by extermination of his superior nemesis, White Folk! Because it aired in it's entirety on CSPAN, unless the P.C. factor, reverse discrimination, quotas and the rest are still acceptable, his sorry black ass ought to be in the slammer (or somewhere more fitting)..

A link to a hometown, or should I say Homeytown online paper called the Carolina Journal Online - and article by Jon Sanders gives some pretty good info and background.

Here's a link to a great American and what she has to say about the hipocracy of leftist black politics THE VILE BILE WE HAVE TO PUT UP WITH www.michelemalkin.com

It turns out the guy isn't quite brain dead yet because he also owns a book store in Raleigh called (get this) "Blacknificent Books" www.blacknificent.com

Hey Kamy it's Halloween, want to go to Whitemans Hell? BOO!


What's with N. Korea?

No! What's with the U.N., the West, the United States for Gods sake?
We know that N. Korea is insane and Kim Jong Il is a fruit cake, but how the hell can he be blackmailing the whole damned world into feeding his starved and neglected citizens, while he administers a huge military complex and spends, obviously tens of millions on his nuclear program. And all those acting lessons, dresses and Avon products... Let him take care of his own responsibilities (and fetishes)!

Libbey on Haig on Blitzer

Sunday, 30 October, 2005
Alexander Haig was on the Wolf Blitzer CNN Sunday program today where he dropped a little bomb that I'm sure (maybe not) you will be hearing more about very soon.
Mr haig was being interviewed regarding the outing of the yet to be proved "covert" CIA agent Valerie Plame (sounds like an x-stripper who decided to drop the F), wife of former Ambassador, he's not dead just not an Ambassador any longer, d-Joe Wilson. Who blahblahblah was sent (by his wife) to Niger to investigate whether Saddam Hussein (remember him) was buying nuclear materials for his WMD program (which he sent off in the night to Syria) in the beginning of the Iraq war.
Jesus, to much updating! Look, if you don't know who these people are you don't care anyway. And if you do then this is for you!
The whole controversy revolves around Lewis Libby supposedly telling (outing) people Ms Plame was a CIA op. And Wolf B. was pumping Haig for agreement in a "I'm outraged aren't you, kinda way". When out-a (no pun intended) the blue, Haig says Joe Wilson has been himself loose lipped around town (D.C.) for years about "my CIA girl".
The message here is. How can Libby be accused of outing a covert operative (serious business) when her own husband has been doing it for years- and she's not even a covert operative, she's a desk jockey?
Wow! Now you know this has been researched and witnesses interviewed in advance for them to loose this little nugget on public television...But what gases me up is the initial setup by Libbys' people and how they got CNN's Wolf Blitzer and his people to invite, of all people, Alexander Haig who hasn't been in or on the news for ages (no offense Al).
This is intriguing new seed for the press and I'm dying to see how (if) it grows.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Riot in Ohio Comes off just as planned by the Skinheads

Hats off to the Skinhead planning!
No matter how you feel about the organization, credit is due.
The city apparently didn't plan at all. And as all are aware, planning isn't a natural characteristic of the rioters personne. I mean, duh!

One week ago, and not all that long after the televised debacle in New Orleans, A Neo Nazi skinhead group applied for the permit to march and speak out against black against white crime in Toledo. Knowing a week in advance the black anti march demonstrators had plenty of time to organize as well.
I caught it on FOX News saturday 10/15/05 and it was eye in the sky live. The marchers and demonstrators were no where near each other due to police cordoning off and it really wasn't a march at all, the skinhead march was cancelled early.. When the demonstrators against the march started attacking the police and ambulance crews with baseball sized rocks the police backed off for reinforcements which seemed forever.

For the next 30 minutes or so it was New Orleans all over again, Live on T.V. at least 60 people could be seen within the cameras scan beating in the doors, throwing rocks thru the windows, throwing stuff out the upper floor windows and the police were no where to be seen. The fire started on the second floor at the end of the seige 30 minutes later.
If the cops would 've come out of hiding sooner, the fire could definately have been overted.
They generally had their black bashers ball just as the skinheads planned. Knowing the television crews would be all over it and all they had to do was light the fuse, and show time. They had no intention of hanging around!
Now, the day after, it seems the citys Mayor and the talking heads are taking the stand that the marchers don't have a right to march if the natives are going to get upset and maybe permits should only be given to radical black groups like Farakhans Nation of Islam and their Million (500) Man March.
I gotta say tho that the Police are doing damage control right this very minute as to the questions of why they waited so long to move in and they have every excuse under the sun that makes it look like a tactical descision (right).

I wonder if the the Neos knew this would be a part of the scenario thereby only adding more drama to the event???

I guess the Marchers Against Black Crime got their point across in spades LIVE! I give em an A+ for planning and execution. Touche!

Mexican border solutions

Thursday, 13 October, 2005
Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and the photo op with his Mexican counterpart came to the conclusion that more money thrown at the problem is the answer regarding the murder, kidnapping and drug induced criminal activitiy that is boiling over onto the U.S. side.

The things that money (dollars) will be thrown at are,

One - training of the Mexicans by us, which is ridiculous in light of the fact that we havn't figured out that closing the border is the answer ourselves.

Two - that the Mexicans are perfectly capable of maintaining order on their side, but whats lacking is will, less corruption and fewer federalis (thats Mescan for cops) on the Mexican Mafias payroll..

Hell, the Mexican authorities are, always have been and always will be, on the take!
It's really obsurd that our government would try to pass such a blatant fraud (news conference) off on us in the form of that dog and pony show they call diplomatic problem solving.
Can't speak for you, but I'm truly insulted!
I feel sorry for A.G. Gonzalez but glad for us he didn't make it to the Supreme Court. Hmmm, maybe it's worse if he's going to be making deals like that. Oh well, he's just following orders right!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Islam - Religion of death

10%of Muslims in England believe terrorism is ok, 30% say they wouldn't do it but think it's ok and 60% say they would prefer Sharia law over British.

This is what some very informed experts have been saying for years about the mindset of even the, so-called moderate, Muslim population worldwide, albeit the numbers would change outside of Britain. A good view into the Muslim mind just came to light with the introduction of Al Zawahiris letter to the (what he would like Muslims to believe) youthful (overzealous bloodbath) indescretions of Zarkawi in Iraq.

See "letter to Zarkawi - How convenient"

letter to Zarkawi - how convenient

With love, uncle Zawahiri.

Everyones aware by now of Zawahiris letter to Zarkawi filled with do's & don'ts, send money etc. If not check the Washington Post article http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/06/AR2005100601819.html

Another good treatise on the subject is from Seeker Blog http://seekerblog.com/archives/20051008/zawahiris-letter-to-zarqawi/ which breaks down the mindset of uncle Zawihiri and his attempts to rein in hot head Zarkawi.

I'm not one to excercise the conspiracy bone but I'm coming from a little different place regarding the, what I feel, conveniently found letter. I'm dealing with the idea of the letter being a ruse to throw off his location (pakistani military closing in)..

Why is this the first, announced, letter to be captured hmmm! I'm sure if there were more we'd have heard of them (unless of course to protect sources in which I'd definately agree). But after going through some elementary stuff to Zarkawi, who I don't believe is as unaware as Zawahiri would have us think, he, Zawahiri mentions, in a subtle way, that due to the Pakistani manuevers in the badlands he is fearful of being captured. Hmmm, pretty good! If I was on the lamb, a little disimformation might make sense. Make them think they're searching in the right caves out in the boonies when actually he's laid up in a penthouse in Islamabad watching cable, swimming in the pool and partyin with his buds.

"Hey Osama, take that lamp shade off your head and leave my date alone"!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Why I became a Republican

This is interesting!

Why I became a Republican
By Mike S. Adams

Oct 10, 2005

Professor, University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Last Wednesday night, I gave a speech at Ohio University (OU) in Athens, Ohio. The speech, which was co-sponsored by the OU College Republicans and the Young America’s Foundation, was about an hour long. It was followed by one of the best question and answer sessions I can recall. My favorite question from the session was this one:

“How, exactly, did you go from being a liberal Democrat to a conservative Republican?”

This is how I answered the question:

“People often ask me why and how I experienced such a radical transformation, both politically and theologically. Regarding the latter, my story is certainly not like that of Charles Colson. In other words, I did not have a transforming experience in a friend’s driveway, like the one Mr. Colson describes in his wonderful book called “Born Again.” Let me also point out that my political transformation was perhaps even more gradual than my religious transformation. It was more of an issue-by-issue conversion. Some examples follow:

After a fellow fraternity member and his girlfriend were abducted by an armed assailant and murdered during my last year in college, I decided to abandon my support of gun-control.

After learning in graduate school that affirmative action did not involve quotas and reverse discrimination - that it was merely a tie-breaker for equally qualified applicants (and a temporary program to boot) – I went to work in the academy and saw how it really worked. Confronted with the truth of affirmative action, I had to abandon my support of what was clearly a permanent and discriminatory policy.

After seeing a film of an unborn child yawning, rubbing his eyes, and playfully rolling around in his mother’s womb, I realized that the fetus becomes a person long before birth and long after the Supreme Court allows it to be aborted. Therefore, I had to abandon my support of abortion rights.

Eventually, I woke up and realized that I had more in common with the Republicans than I did with the Democrats. I was also beginning to develop a new appreciation for moral absolutism, which would help to revive me spiritually.”

Looking back on that answer (only a few days later); I realize that it was woefully incomplete. As such, I owe it to my readers and the people who attend my speeches to give the principal reason for my political conversion. And here it is:

Republican women are simply more attractive than Democratic women.

It certainly feels good - after years of keeping it in - to state the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Those who don’t immediately accept this revelation as true can just click on the following link:


Of course, I knew that Republican women were more attractive than Democratic women, long before I saw the above link. But I didn’t know that it was proper to discuss the difference until just before my speech at Ohio University.

That was when three very attractive women came into the room to take their seats and I asked innocently “Are you ladies all Democrats who are here to heckle me?” Their blue-eyed blond leader responded with this far more intelligent question: “Do we look like Democrats to you?”

Just two days after learning that it was alright to talk about this issue, I was giving another speech in North Carolina. After the speech, my wife commented on the good looks of the young Republican women from UNC-Chapel Hill who were listening in the audience.

Of course, this is very good news. Since my wife is able to comment on the surplus of good-looking women in the GOP, that means I can, too. Of course, it also helps that she stopped reading my columns many months ago.

The public discussion of this issue will help Republicans answer some important questions. For example: “Should we assume that being gay often causes one to be a Democrat? Isn’t it more likely that the lack of exposure to attractive women causes Democrats to be gay?” And “Do Democratic women consider compliments in the workplace to be sexual harassment simply because they rarely hear them?”

But, of course, it isn’t necessary at this time to explore the many intellectual questions that flow from the observation that our women are more attractive than theirs. Instead, we must immediately begin to exploit the issue for political gain. And the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute is doing just that by publishing a calendar featuring, among others, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, and Shemane Nugent. (For ordering information, click here.)

If the Republican Party simply purchases and distributes a few million of these calendars, there is little chance that the Democrats will remain a viable party in this country for very long. Certainly, every man who is currently “independent” will change his voter registration after seeing what our party has to offer.

Of course, the only real question is whether all of those men who will soon switch to our party will stick around after learning that our women are more intelligent and self-sufficient than those in the Democratic Party. If not, they can always switch back and watch Hardball with Chris Matthews.

My attractive Republican wife says that I will get a record amount of hate mail after I run this column. But, of course, that can’t be so. Democrat women don’t care about their looks. They are far less superficial and far more principled than that. I’m not joking. I really mean that.

Mike S. Adams (www.DrAdams.org) is currently hiding in his office reading a copy of “The idiot’s guide to heavy sarcasm.” He says he’s trying to master the art of heavy sarcasm. I think he really means it!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Pakistani Earthquake relief

The relief is that now Muslims are asking themselves, (after stating that God punished us with Katrina and Rita,) maybe God is punishing them with an earthquake.

If so, compared to what they're getting, we got time in the corner.
This post is not to bring attention to their plight as some kind of victim, (Allah knows best, right!) but to put a voice of dissent out there as to the millions of dollars in aid the bleeding hearts are sending! There are different agendas at play here depending on who you talk to.

The White House is thinking, lets win their hearts and minds which won't work with fundamentalists. They'll take your (our) money and still cut you're head off.

While the State Department has to protect Musharef and make sure the Pakistanis see the U.S.AID stamps on the aid, more hearts and mind stuff. The U.S.AID stamps will probably be removed as happened in other places (Aceh province tsunami).

And the dogooders, well, they're just idiots!

We can't afford any foreign aid handouts with all that's befallen us from the Economy to the Gulf. Have we even figured out whether to rebuild New Orleans yet? To even think of foreign aid right now is nuts. Especially to a bunch of Islamofascists that hate us, and believe me 85% of them do!

Post traumatic stress syndrome

And the soldiers coming home from the war on terror is a different beast depending on which force you're leaving. Troops coming from the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines come home to traditional Veteran Hospitals which in themselves aren't all that great due to financial and benefit cuts in the past, even though this administration has supposedly increased support (I'm not an authority on this). I do know that dealing with the V.A. (Veterans administration) is way below having to deal with the Motor Vehicle Adm. as fun lines to stand in!

Imagine coming home loaded with combat stress fatigue and you were a member of the National Guard or Reserves.
Drawing a blank to match the look?
Those troops don't come back to a local base with access to a V.A. hospital. They come back to their small communities with little or no Government support. Not to say the PTSS treatment is that great for Federal Vets (most are given pills and counseling in breathing techniques)!
All this is disheartening, especially since the National Guard isn't supposed to be anywhere but in the States to protect the Homeland borders (how many foreign intruders do think crossed over today?) and for natural disasters like those in the form of hurricanes - hello Katrina/Rita!

The least we can do, if these troops are assigned out of bounds, and I'm not sure it's legal anyway? Is to give them equal care and support when the tasks they perform are as down and dirty deadly as the regular Services. I think therein lies the answer. It's a huge financial break for the Fed to have State troops in the mix. Kinda like hiring an illegal to paint your house. Big discount? Maybe! What is the quid pro quo, or, what's in it for the state, just what did the Governors get in return? Anybody know? I don't remember hearing or reading anything about how it all came about other than the sorry state of affairs recruiting has become. Bad economies have a way of changing recruitment habits almost as much as peacetime college grants!

Stay tuned

Friday, October 07, 2005

No bid contracts

Fema - doh!
How stupid can they get?
They had to know it would look bad after the Halliburton rebuilding Iraq fiasco.
The New Orleans rebuild almost went the same way. Gotta give em credit for catchin it before the roar got to loud, I guess.

So Kewl

So Kewl - not ! 7/9/10
This is an update to a post where I think i must have been out of my mind......None of it ever came true, Rendells still a liberal, lying prick !

Senator Rendell, D, Pa. has had success with coal to gasoline production and will be online to produce a a couple million barrels. Pennsylvania business and Government are committing to it's exclusive use for ten years to seed it, and are courting the Fed for same right now.

Pa. has enough, according to them, coal for conversion to run the country for 40 years and Wyoming, South Dakota and other States claim as much or more.

This is good, no, great stuff folks. Finally someone is actually going to put up. Thats not to take away from all you Hybrid buyers out there who deserve much appreciation for your committment as well!

Deja Vue - again

Due to falling approval numbers, President Bush speaks again (alittle late) about stickin to it in Iraq. Not a bad speach at all, just a little late in the game and the blah blah blah factor definately isn't going to help. The blah blah blah factor is rehashing the 9/11 "if you harbor or support the terrorists you're a terrorist" speach and then mentioning Syria. It worked then because it had action attached, it's an annoyance now, don't keep talkin about it, do it. Put up or shut up. Rather embarrasing actually! I won't mention, oh hell, where's Osama, Zawihirri, Zarkawi? better have another powwow with Musharaf!

McCain wants to cuddle

Get ready for Sen. McCain to run again. He's back in the news with his touchy feely, lets treat the Islamofascist murderers with fair treatment and what, respect! Treatment in accordance with the military manual. Hey, McCain, get over it. That's bullshit you dumbass.

There's no way those rabid animals deserve mercy or respect. Your problem is that the vote phishing you've been doing has you hanging out with liberals too much.
Look, stop with the holier than thou approach, The being better than them crap, thats not how you win a war, you win by doing what they do only better. Well thats a little extreme but you guys want to coddle them and thats worse!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Just watchin the news today

And caught the typical "another bombing in Iraq today" but this time it was a Mosque being bombed. I couldn't help wondering how these idiots can bomb each others Mosques (places of worship) in the name of Allah, yet we (the Infidels) can't even walk into one. Not that I'd stoop as low as to even want to enter one (throw something into one , is ok)! Just a thought.

Another blow to Border security

Robert Bonner, the head of border control within homeland security, resigned today Wednesday, September 28, 2005 and no one is surprised considering his hands were tied by an administration that values illegal immigration. I really don't know what else to say on the matter! I'm a conservative and Bush supporter but there are things I just won't go along with, especially after 9/11. To leave our borders wide open to anyone who wants to enter is madness, total madness. Robert Bonner was for the minutemen volounteers and who wouldn't be, who has a problem with the term VOLOUNTEERS? Well the administration does, and frankly, it's a transparent view of capitalisms backside when Americans need jobs (those that want to work) and Bosses get a wink and nod when they hire illegals illegally. Not to mention the terrorists that have and are waltzing across the Rio Grand every day - think about it!