Dubai Shuffle

Well, anyone can (and should from time to time) rethink a situation to keep things fluid in the ole noggin if you get my drift!
My rethink has to do with the U.A.E. port management thing. I know, I know. I was pretty adamant about how stupid to give the dems a foothold in their weakest area, security. see post "indefensible"
And how badly handled it was and still is. Threatening a veto when an explaination seems in order is not going over to well with anyone.
That is exactly what made me rethink my position. (OID)Obvious Info Deficit! A little to obvious I think, to not be suspicious.
Iran has been responsible of late for a lot of insomnia - the world over!
Iran threatened to keep oil off the market!
Iran, last but definately not least, has threatened to close the strait
of Hormuz which would choke off the worlds oil.
Now if you look at the map (click it), you will see how close to Iran the U.A.E.
EXACTLY! Heh, you think like me. Great place for a U.S. base eh! I mean, talk about in your face from your own backyard..
Lets see, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and now the U.A.E. Damn, we're knee deep in Muslim real estate............Irans been the prize all along ooorrrrahhhh!
Now look, before you run off and give up the goods (like I just did) do it with a whisper...I'm serious! This, I'm sure, is whats happening and exactly why President Bush can't advertise it, he can't show disrespect to the future host. Face it, quid quo pro! Letting us Yanks camp out in your yard if you're a Muslim country won't get you invited to any reunions if ya get my drift!
The only catch in my theory is there's no way this base (or special ops resort tourists) could stay secret anyway so whats the big deal? Shit, man, forget you read this ok!