Imams - an update
Excerpts taken from
"Imams narrow target of 'Does'"
By Audrey Hudson
The Washington Times
"A group of imams suing US Airways for discrimination amended their lawsuit this week to target only the "John Doe" passengers who they say are racist and falsely accused them of behaving suspiciously."
It's obvious to all, with any inner sense of alarm, what the Muslim community has left up to their heathen spiritual leaders, the occupational vanguard or footsoldiers if you will. The undoing of the West from within, using the laws and Christian customs of tolerance, acceptance and passivity against us, without firing a shot.
"The imams are being represented by New York lawyer Omar Mohammedi in the lawsuit, which has triggered an outcry among lawyers who say they will defend the "John Does" for free."
Let there be no doubt that these legal adventures in subterfuge are well planned and funded by, for one , organizations like M.A.S. - M.C.F.A. and of course C.A.I.R, which parades around under the guise of cooperation, participation and patriotic use of Americana in it's civil rights laws while undermining well established common sense in the courts. For example, the case in question here as well as defending the right for a Muslim woman, Ginnnah Muhammad, 42, of Detroit to wear the niqab -- a scarf and veil that covers her head and face, leaving only the eyes visible -- blocking the judges ability to observe the facial expressions which tell a lot about the possibility of deception/body language etc.
Her attorney Nabih Ayad is one of several named as a threat who should be monitored
Who's Behind the ACLU NSA Lawsuit . . . And Why Are They Lying?
By Debbie Schlussel
"I'm referring to ACLU lawyers Noel Saleh, Mohammed Abdrabboh, and Nabih Ayad, the ACLU Plaintiffs named in the yesterday's Complaint, attorney William Swor, a member National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and Nazih Hassan--all named in the lawsuit. They are exactly the kind of people whom the federal government SHOULD be watching, but probably isn't. One of these men admitted to funding Hezbollah, one was accused of tampering with a witness, and a third signed a document contradicting statements he made in the lawsuit. Not to mention, one of these men engaged in exactly the same "spying" (on me) that he now opposes when done by the NSA."
"It is "unconscionable" that those who report suspicious activity could be "terrorized in our own court system in our own country," said Rep. Steve Pearce, New Mexico Republican, who introduced the measure.
"Religious liberty is not absolute," Mr. Hasson said. "It must yield before the government's legitimately compelling interests. And the prevention of terrorism aboard airlines is certainly such an interest."
Many Muslims in this country (forget about Europe, it's lost) have since toned down the rhetoric but were espousing sharia law (not capitalized for on purpose)in public and will no doubt carve out sections of metro areas such as Detroit, Minneapolis, Tampa or wherever they have concentrated as they did in Germany, Spain, Netherlands, (R.I.P.Van Ghogh)and France - ha - France, where the police won't even venture!
"The Becket Fund labeled the case "legal terrorism," which Mr. Awad said "only adds to the empty and sensationalistic rhetoric of those who seek to disparage and demonize a segment of our society."
"It was not meant as an insult," Mr. Hasson said. "I think the public outcry over the targeting of the John Does proves the point I was trying to make. That legal tactic is self-defeating."
All is not lost yet, spread the word and knock the fence sitters (cowards, fools and naive)off the fences and wake em up !
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