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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Islamic monkeys

This is hilarious, absolutely hilarious!

I've got the news on about these Muslim assholes in Gaza and Beirut rioting and tearing down the United Nations Embassies... BWAhahahahah, now this is entertainment.

Look at those f#*king monkeys, BWAhahaha, and the U.N actually knows how to fire it's weapons, they're shooting in the air..Look at that skinny mongoloid looking rioter wearing the blue helmut, BWAHAH, it's a freakin U.N. helmut! he's burning the godamn bushes, no it's a (I can't stand it , this is hilarious) a f*#king bannana tree or palmtree BWAhahahahaha.... Those damn Arab turds are hilarious - they jump and leap around like monkeys. I gotta get some of those, what a hit at the zoo, talk of the town, where can I , who sells those things - Jesus Christ, I can't stand it!

Sympathy for the Devil - dressed in Muslim cloak

I don't know what all the crying about collateral damage is all about other than more political rhetoric from Muslim terrorist sympathisers. The Mulims never ever gave a damn about the collateral damage they cause "ON PURPOSE" , as a matter of fact, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hesbollah and all the other thug killers would all be dead by now if the Israelis were'nt being so careful about collateral damage..

If Israel stops the terrorist extermination process currently underway (the civillians were warned to leave, either stupid or held as human shields by Hezbolah - what else is new with the Muslims ) and the world hands the terrorists victory by protecting them, well, all I have to say is you'll look just as stupid as they do in burkas and towels on your heads - but you will deserve it! As for Qana - Hezbollah used them as human shields as they do with schools, hospitals and U.N. observation posts! Just remember, firing on innocents was invented (homicide bombers etc.)by Moslem terrorists

These people are collateral damage because 1) they're too stupid to leave 2) they condone and revere Hezbollahs actions and probably family of the terrorist fighters and 3) they are Muslims with a caveman like mentality that prevents them from rational thinking proven by the fact that all they have to do is release a couple of Israeli soldiers and this would all end - you can fix a car or a bike, but you can't fix STUPID..Oh, and Kevin Sites (link), how about a little equal treatment towards the Iraeli misery brought on by the barbarian, heathen, Muslim terrorists....

To all these Muslim lovin posters who see Hesbollah (and the others) as benefactors and the givers of (bloody) handouts, livin on the devils dole ,all I can say is - of course you do -and thats why your world will live on in misery for the lack of eyes to see truth beyond satans gifts - he owns those eyes now and will pluck them from your heads..


Saturday, July 29, 2006

Muslims in the U.S.A.

Here is a good piece of advice for the muslim clerics here in the U.S..
Keep a handle on your flock and let them know that they are on very slippery ground.
It's not wise for them to be killing anyone here, especially while shouting that they are angry Muslims (which means absolutely nothing to real Americans) as if that gives them some sort of justification. Believe me it doesn't, especially when he left the bowels of hell to come here and live like a human being with opportunity. To be a Muslim in this country has a bad stigma attached to it and the stereotype goes way back, decades old! Muslim and Islam denotes barbarity, heathenism and a backward, caveman like mentality.. The proof is in the news with the murderous Pakistani, Naveed Hag, that just murdered a bunch of unarmed Jewish Woman in Seattle of which one was pregnant - you, in your warped beliefs, consider that a godly thing to do while the rest of the world - Gods true children - see that as the cowardly, despicable act of a beast who actually thinks it was a manly thing to do - twisted! Now they're trying to say he was a mental case. Of course he's a mental case - he's Muslim! http://michellemalkin.com/index.htm

So get off your high horse, which to us is really just a jackass, and just slither back to where you came, that's not too much to ask now is it?

It's very dangerous for you now and every good red blooded American is just waiting for any excuse at all to drive every Muslim man, woman, and child from this country, in a whirlwind of violence.

Somewhere out there is a really pissed off American and retaliation is not far off I fear. You should be very concerned!
We will not tolerate any Jihadist bullshit in this country!


Israeli Giveaways

Stand tuff Israel!

Here it is Saturday the 29th of July 06 and Condoleeza Rice is due to land in the Mideast for another round of talks and the rumor is Lebanon (Hezbollah) has a list of gifts expected from Israel for peace including the land between Syria and Lebanon that Lebanon wants but the U.N. says Used to be Syrias taken by the Israelis in the Six Day War ... Duhuh! More bullshit from the mentally deficient Moslems.

Hey, Mustafa, Muhlacka or whatever dumbass name that cow gave you at birth, you want the pain to go away, give back the kidnapped soldiers, it's simple, like you, just stop the rocket attacks and give up the soldiers!

The U.N. isn't going to come to the rescue - they can't even help themselves. Look at the U.N, they're a turd in a fast flushing toilet headed south..

Israel, don't let your Politicians get weak kneed, You have to go in and eliminate the Hezbollah vermon and I don't know why, with the whole worlds silent approval you would balk, not now, go full out and kill as many of them as you can before the bell which is coming..

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Palestinians (Mahmoud Abbas) floating rumors

The Moslems in the West Bank are putting out rumors to see if the Israelis will bite in regards to the release, thru prisoner swap, of the kidnapped Israeli Gilad Shalit.
Of course they, the Israelis, won't deal. Why should they when they have all the aces.. As long as the terrorists Hamas and Islamic Jihad hold him it's open season on the goofy sons a bitches, not to mention a great opportunity to drain the swamp known as Gaza, plain and simple! Ditto for Hezbollah and Hassan Nasrallah in the Lebanese fumigation!

And what is it about "Israel won't do, has no desire to do a prisoner swap.. The World and it's Press are undoubtedly daft or is trying to manipulate events more to their likeing, which I would not, for one minute, put past them!

Islam does not mean "Peace". It means "Submission"!

Nobody is allowed to disagree with Islam... All MUST submit!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Tyre and Bint Jbail feeling the pain

Tyre has had a mudhole kicked in it's back and it's now being stomped dry.
A whole city block has been taken out by the Israelis (God is good)due to Katusha rocket fire and being a Hezbolah headquarters.

Bint Jbail was a Christian settlement before the infiltration of Hezbollah into the area when the Israelis left six years ago. The town has great significance to the Hezbollah because it was made Southern Central Command at that time.. And now the Israelis are tearing the bastards a new ass hole (praise the Lord).

I guess, from the looks of panic and terror (praise be)on the Hezbollah sympathizers faces, especially the old Muslim woman that rolled out the back of the speeding ambulance when the doors flew open (right out of a keystone cops film), dumbasses!

Again, I guess they should be asking themselves if it's all worth not giving back the Kidnapped Israeli soldiers....You know the answer to that right?
DUMBFUCK Hassan Nasrallah!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Kofi Anan goes off his nut

And by doing so shows his true bias. Again, another reason for Kofis' lack of qualifications to be at the helm of the U.N. A truly enlightening admission as to the failures of the U.N. not only in his failure to put muscle behind U.N. resolution 1559 (the disarming of Hezbollah) but one blunder after another.

Kofi Anan should be interrogated to find out what he knows ,how he knows it and who informed him about the four U.N. observers who he stated without a doubt were attacked on purpose by Israel. This is a very provocative statement to make from a supposed, by it's own indifference and lack of action time after time, unbiased organization, considering the flash point of others sitting on the edge of violence just waiting for the proverbial match - very irresponsible, amateurish and telling!!

The truth is Hezbollah has been using the U.N.observation posts as cover to fire at the Israelis and the observers have complained thru e-mails - http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=37278180-a261-421d-84a9-7f94d5fc6d50 you don't really think the U.N. contingent is really capable of doing anything about it. Of course not , they're cowards, proven over and over again all over the world.. The U.N. is just a bunch of primadonas in blue - showboaters!!


Hezbolah - Big, Bad, Crushed

Terrorist groups like Hezbolah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad etc. pride themselves in talkin like badasses and how they want to fight and die. Then they start messin with people and that's exactly what they end up doin, putting up a halfassed fight and then dying, by the thousands!

Now, everyone knows that, in the Hezbolah/Lebanon situation, that they are doing Irans bidding to WAG the (nuclear hide and seek)DOG so to speak. And a lot of Iranian bones will be packed off to Iran when it's all said and done, There is less ans less Farse commands being spoken up in those hills!

What is it that makes these dumbfucks so antisocial, so lacking in self esteem that they have put on this big bad wolf routine that just gets their asses kicked every time they go to battle? Oh sure they're great at pushing women and children around, and they're pretty good at inhumane treatment of those they outnumber such as a prisoner or two. But when it comes down to a real fight, THEY LOSE! Jesus Christ, they had six years to dig in and plan only to be routed in two weeks!

I think if the laws were loosened a little bit about masturbation or even girly mags, maybe these guys wouldn't be so hateful to themselves and others. I mean,five times a day, and you know, those big tumor like growths on their foreheads, like freaks, well, that just aint normal..There might just be a little to much holy roller (rocker)and not enough saturday night fever which would explain the frustration those poor assholes wear on their sleeves like hospital tags - (mental)if you catch my drift!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Lebanon, Condis' Misguided Mission

What the *#%@?

Condi, get your ass back home... Just like our misguided Government to run off with a bag of money offered to the wrong people. Let Hezbolah send relief to those idiots.They brought the Devil in, let them live with him..Unbelievable!
Until they admit the error of their ways, swallow what pride they may have and force the Iranian/ Syrian Hezbolah connection from their midst, they shouldn't get one crumb of relief from the American taxpayer!
How quick the Lebanese Americans were to desert their ailing grandparents when their hero Hezbolah started the war that might just kill their 90 year old grandmother left behind. Of course, I'm sure they were in a hurry to get back here to the States to demonstrate against America for supporting Israel, the right side of this battle, and to prepare to undermine the only Nation to ever treat them with any Humanity or dignity..But, then again, no one ever gave Moslems any credit for intelligence over irrational behaviour, the latter, always their first choice!

To deny the Muslim (shia) reentry by confiscating their U.S. Passports and revoking U.S. Citizenship would have been a masterful stroke of genius as well as justified on grounds of National security!

But , then again, no one ever accused our State Dept. of any genius either.
I hope they're not pressureing Israel to a ceasefire lacking in a full stomach!