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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Muqtada al-Sadrs back - let hunting season begin

By the way kiddies, guess who's back in Iraq after his record breaking flight to Iran at the beginning of the SURGE?
Give up?
Yep, Radical Shittite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, the fat little prick that's responsible for killing a lot of our guys over there but is allowed to breathe because of his political value being the leader of the Shittites or whatever.

It appears that Iran pushed him back due to the Mahdi Militias faltering moral, he wouldn't have come back on his own, because our boys killed several of his top lieutenants and several have gotten yellow and left for Iran themselves stating health problems, but everyone knows they felt death getting a little to close!

The point is that we nailed those left behind to run his armed monkeys but now that he's back the first thing he does is lead a big slow very vulnerable motorcade thru Najaf to Kufa giving anti American speeches and demanding we leave Iraq.

Why, now that his fat ass is back in Iraq, hasn't he been neutralized?

Put me in charge and he'd been dead yesterday, actually, he'd been dead 3 years ago after his first little adventure against us. Remember his little uprising in Najafs cemetary that went nowhere for us? Dead meat!


Who's Side Are They On Anyway?

Again, I apologise for being lazy but these guys say it best and besides, I've got a lot going on right now. Enjoy!

Loopholes for terrorists and fugitives
May 25, 2007

The more you look at the Senate immigration bill, the more troubling loopholes you find. Two of the most pernicious: One would severely damage the government's ability to conduct background checks, while the other would provide amnesty to illegal-alien gang members and absconders.
Section 601 (h)(1) of the bill, titled the "Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007," gives the government only one business day to conduct a background check to determine whether an applicant is a criminal or a terrorist. "Unless the government can find a reason not to grant it by the end of the next business day after the alien applies, the alien receives a probationary Z visa (good from the time of approval until six months after the date Z visas begin to be approved, however long that may be) that lets him roam through the country and seek employment legally," write Kris Kobach, a law professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and Heritage Foundation scholar Matthew Spalding. It is impossible, of course, to determine in a single day whether someone is a terrorist or a criminal. Although the federal government has computer databases containing the names of terrorists and criminals, the information is hardly comprehensive. Much of it is kept by foreign governments or in the form of paper records that cannot be carefully searched in just 24 hours.
"The need for effective background checks is real. During the 1986 amnesty, the United States granted legal status to Mahmoud 'The Red' Abouhalima, who fraudulently sought and obtained the amnesty intended for seasonal agricultural workers (even though he was actually employed as a cab driver in New York City.) But his real work was in the field of terrorism," Messrs. Kobach and Spalding write in a new Heritage Foundation study explaining how the Senate immigration bill would undermine the rule of law. Abouhalima, they said, "went on to become a ringleader in the 1993 terrorist attack against the World Trade Center. Using his new legal status of amnesty, he was able to travel abroad for terrorist training."
Under Section 601(g)(2) of the bill, illegal-alien gang members would be eligible for amnesty merely by signing a "renunciation of gang affiliation." This massive loophole would make it so easy for illegal aliens to stay in the country that deporting gang members would no longer be a priority.
Gang-bangers and other criminals, who have been ordered to leave the United States by an immigration judge but defy the ruling, are called absconders. The Senate bill first appears to deny amnesty to absconders in Section 601(d)(1)(B). But Section 601(d)(1)(I) permits U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to grant an absconder a Z visa anyway if he can show that being forced to leave the United States "would result in extreme hardship" to the alien, his spouse, parent or child. The "hardship" provision creates a loophole you can drive a truck through -- virtually guaranteeing that this class of fugitive aliens can remain in the United States. As we went to press, Sen. John Cornyn was preparing to offer an amendment to strip from the bill amnesty for absconders and violent gang members.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

President Bushs news conference 5/24/07

On Iraq, he thinks that the majority of Americans want to help the fledgling democracy which according to the most I've seen and heard, that couldn't be further from the truth. Americans in majority could care less and don't want to be the white hat for all the countries living under tyranny it's tough love but they'll have to take up that fight themselves - like we did!

Most(some)feel that fighting Al Qeada is a good thing, while being picked off like fish in a barrel while on patrol is not a good thing when the bombs are planted under the eyes of no one the night before, especially when they see huge amounts of tax dollars going to new technologies IE: UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles)that could be doing the patrolling - so where are they and what are they doing?

Many feel the war is being run by amateurs when, to appease the left. Stupid decisions are made like leaving small isolated groups of soldiers to hold ground taken because they can't count on the Iraqi police or soldiers to hold it. You know what that gets you. Dead or kidnapped only to be found later tortured and dead American GIs. Unacceptable,totally unacceptable!

And then on to the Illegal Immigrants, where he says we can't dig out for exportation 2.11 million illegals. That's true, but most believe that by stopping them from being employed by putting the fear of god into employers will cause the illegals to starve, commit crimes, or just leave. Most will leave which is good but those who chose crime will be stopped one way or the other. None will chose to starve!

As to his comments, which aren't takin seriously by anyone, about stopping them at the border and his resolve to do so has already been proven to be empty words because of the failure to back it up with anything other than deceit referring to the lack of funds manpower and honest effort. Sure they put some National Guard down there, with no ammunition and no orders to do anything other watch, call or run like hell if attacked which has already happened when confronted by some Mexican hillbilly drug dealers with guns and an attitude.
Holy Christ, we could've hired the French Military to hang out down there for that!

No, there isn't much confidence or good will left in the American people toward the isolated, out of touch persons in Government - any of it, from the White House to the Congress.
The Government of the United States from the top down to the Mayors and City Councils had better think less of which hot new restaurant they'll be gorging themselves at today and get a little more in tune to what the Citizens will be gorging themselves on - hint - it ain't food!
A lot is at stake here and revolution like a forest fire only takes a spark.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Breeding Bombers - British lesson learned?

We all remember the "Tube Bombings"July 7th 2005
in Britain where the children/grandchildren of Muslim immigrants, not the immigrants themselves who allegedly have been successful at assimilation into British traditions and allegiances(well, maybe that's going a little to far)were the bombing bastards ( who also admit they have no intentions of being loyal to anyone other than Radical Islam and Osama Bin Laden etc.

I don't know about you, but I've been waiting since 9/11 for the articles to come out regarding the young Muslim heathens here in the U.S. and their true loyalties and today I've got it! being afraid of the life of article online, I decided to copy the article rather than just put the link.

Young U.S. Muslims back suicide attacks
By Jennifer Harper
May 23, 2007

The first nationwide survey of Muslim Americans revealed that more than a quarter of those younger than 30 say suicide bombings to defend Islam are justified, a fact that drowned out the poll's kinder, gentler findings suggesting that the community is mainstream and middle class.
"There are trouble spots," noted Andrew Kohut, director of the Pew Research Center, which conducted the survey of 1,050 adult Muslim Americans -- two-thirds of whom were foreign-born -- January to April. The results were released yesterday.
"We should be disturbed that 26 percent of these young people support an ideology in which the ends justify the means," said Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, chairman of the Arizona-based American Islamic Forum for Democracy.
"But the survey also found that only 40 percent of the overall American Muslim population would even admit that Arabs were behind 9/11. They're in denial, refusing to take moral responsibility, and the radicals will feed on this," Dr. Jasser said.
Farid Senzai of the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding said he had "concern" about evidence of youthful radicalism.
The revelation that some young American Muslims condone violent bombings led coverage from CBS News, the Associated Press, Reuters, the Detroit Free Press, the Los Angeles Times and other news organizations.
"I'm not surprised that the press picked up on the bad news, because that's what sells. I'd like to see another ethnic group get asked the same question," said Laila Al-Qatami of the District-based American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.
"What's also missing were responses about what it means among Muslims to be an American, or their opinions about education, health care and domestic issues. Failure to include this stuff lends an impression that American Muslims are different," she added.
The survey, which estimates the U.S. Muslim population to be 2.3 million, emphasized the more positive findings, billing the group as "middle class and mostly mainstream," socially assimilated and happy.
"Clearly, this public comes across as much more moderate than much of the Muslim public in most of the world. They are decidedly American in outlook," Mr. Kohut said.
Indeed, seven out of 10 of the respondents rated their communities as good or excellent and said they would get ahead through the "American work ethic," a greater percentage than found in the general public. Seventy-three percent have never been discriminated against as a Muslim on these shores, and 78 percent said they were either "pretty happy" or "very happy" with their lives.
Practicing their religion was a positive as well: 74 percent said they were satisfied with the quality of mosques in their neighborhood. Most identify themselves as Democrats (63 percent) and seven out of 10 voted for Sen. John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat, in the 2004 presidential race. Sixty-one percent say homosexuality should be discouraged.
Yet many are troubled by politics or policy: 69 percent disapprove of President Bush, 75 percent disapprove of the Iraq war and 48 percent disapprove of the war in Afghanistan. Only 26 percent say the war on terrorism is a "sincere effort," compared with 67 percent of the general public.
Where are their hearts? It depends on the age group. Sixty percent of the younger-than-30 demographic said they were "Muslim" first, and a quarter were Americans first. Among the total population, 47 percent consider themselves Muslims first and 28 percent are Americans first.
Social factors also come into play. The survey found that 54 percent are dissatisfied with the general state of the nation, 53 percent say life has gotten more difficult for Muslim Americans since September 11, 2001. More than half believe that their population has been singled out by the U.S. government for surveillance.
Among respondents who were converts, 91 percent were U.S. citizens. Of the total number of converts, 59 percent were black, 55 percent followed Sunni traditions and 67 percent had converted from a Protestant denomination.

Here is a blog I did some time back on the subject -
Muslim, all important discourse - yeah, right!

Another article 5/24/07 - followup on the above by "Washington Times"

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Putins Russia, a dangerous state

I suppose anyone alive, that can read, knows of the hot foreboding winds blowing out of Putins Russia these days. It's like the "Lord of The Rings" and the threat from the firery Mountain Mauldor. The threat is there and building while everyone,out of fear or comlacecy, rationalizes and ignores the growing menace. The citizens of Russia, desensitised and happy to be working, thanks to the economic and entrpreneural modernization brought on by Putins predecessors M.Gorbachev/Yeltsin, could care less even while radio,television and all media is either silenced or gobbled up by the state watching as the.

EX- Russian spies, now citizens of Western Countries, who speak out against Putins iron grip from the bowels of the Kremlin are being killed at will by KGB agents. KGB you say, thought they didnt exist right. Think again!

Now the Kremlin, stating constitutional (lol) rules opposing the extradition of (Former Kremlin bodyguard Andrei Lugovoy) for trial abroad of Russian citizens accused, by Britain for example, of the radialogical isotope poisoning - murder of Alexander Litvinenko to name one.

Don't forget the oil maganate who now resides in Siberia while his huge oil empire is sold at a bargain basement price to one of Putins ole KGB buddies..

Be afraid , very afraid!



Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jimmy Carter says what?

Oh man, I just heard on the news that Jimmy Carter, while shooting his (desperate to change his piss poor Presidential Legacy now that he spotted the Grim Reaper hanging around)big hillbilly mouth off, said that President Bushs Administration is the worse in history among many other cheap shots around the world in which he also belittled Tony Blair as well.

Nice try Jimmy but no, you still hold that prestigeous honor barr none and probably will for years to come! Heh, don't worry . You still may get to finish in second place if, by some unfortunate twist of fate, one of the current demokrats now jousting for president in 08 happens to pull it off, bwahahhahahaha!

Oh man, I can't take it. Too much !

Later that day :

The White House gloriously fights back - or does it?

White House spokesman Tony Fratto had declined to react on Saturday but on Sunday fired back.

"I think it's sad that President Carter's reckless personal criticism is out there," Fratto told reporters. "I think it's unfortunate. And I think he is proving to be increasingly irrelevant with these kinds of comments."

This is why Bush doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell to win the hearts and minds of Anybody, no one likes weak, smells to much like wounded and vulnerable as in wounded prey! One in power must give at least as good as he gets period!

I swear, that man couldn't effectively fight his way out of a paper bag. I hope after his legacy as President he answers the call to the gospel which I believe he is more qualified for than the cut throat sport of politics and war!

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Fox's Presidential lineup

Well, I don't know about you but, damn, it's a little early for all this politicking.
Fox news had a Republican debate which beat the pants off the MSNBC debate by Ralf the Mouf Chris Mathews in which they had to answer a 30 second question in 2.5 seconds because of the time factor (the Mouf had to excersise his gums as usual).

To make this short, there was some great one liners about John Edwards haircuts and Juliani laid waste to Ron Pauls comment about 9/11. I thought ole Ron Pauls stance seemed to strike some cords within me. Yeah, I think I'll look into him a little further. Tancredo has some pretty damned interesting sights on a few things too so ditto for him as well. No rush though, like I said there's plenty of time and some of these guys won't be around in 6 months anyway!

Pretty crappy post eh, so sue me!

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Nancy Pelosi Rides again

Hi HO Silver and away, far, far away preferably!

What the hell is wrong with that woman? Now she wants our Nations Intelligence Service, who have a whole lot on their plates already, to use their intelligence capabilities to gather info on - hold on to something, this is going to be like passin a kidney stone, GLOBAL WARMING.
I shit you not!

She and her cohorts, the krypt kicker five, yes the poster children for what happens to people after a frontal labottomy.

Good God, even France has awakened!

Just how did those idiots ever come to power?

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Friday, May 04, 2007

Who wants to be a Muslim?

I got this from an email (author unknown) and, well, it's the kind of thing that warms the cockels of my heart.

Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit
suicide.. Let's see now.
No Jesus
No Christmas
No television
No cheerleaders
No baseball
No football
No hockey
No golf
No tailgate parties
No Wal-Mart
No Home Depot
No pork BBQ
No hot dogs
No burgers
No chocolate chip cookies
No lobster
No shellfish, or even frozen fish sticks
No gumbo
No jambalaya
No Beer
Rags for clothes and towels for hats.
Constant wailing from the guy next-door because he's sick and there are no
Constant wailing from the guy in the tower.
More than one wife.
You can't shave.
Your wives can't shave.
You can't shower to wash off the smell of donkey cooked over burning camel
The women have to wear baggy dresses and veils at all times.
Your bride is picked by someone else.
She smells just like your donkey.
But your donkey has a better disposition
Then they tell you that when you die it all gets better!
I mean, really, is there a mystery here?

But all seriousness aside, the next posts will be a little more down to business !

Talk Show Hostess, Laura Ingram is in an uproar about rapper Alkon who roughed up a 14 yaer old onstage in a mock rape scenario while doing a concert in Trinidad recently and has just signed a big contract with Verizon Wireless - not much out on it yet but will be soon !