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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Location: United States

About me, Hmm Read my posts and make up your own mind

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jena Six-

fearing Aryan retaliation
The six black kids that escaped a long warehousing or deservedly worse, for gang beating a white student, almost to death, are now holed up at home with the curtains drawn and a finger on speed dial. An Aryan website obtained the addresses and phone numbers from friends of the six as an FYI for anyone interested. Apparently, the paranoia of the six is such that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are pleading on their behalf for, of all things, police protection!
Can you believe that?
Sounds to me like the promising young white student could have used some protection doesn't it?
Oh well, thank The Slavers, Martin Luther King or Abe Lincoln I guess!
Well, it's happened again, in Virginia! I saw another gang beating by six black mental mongoloids on Bill Oreilly last night, whose guest was the young white witness who has to have security at school now, and his Mother.
The beating started out as a one on one until the black involved cell phoned his buddies who then showed up in force - all caught on film by the young white kid who's life has been threatened to not turn over the video and who said the blacks were trying to mess up the face of the victim!. Understandable because you have to try real hard to see a human in most blacks faces and you know there's a little envy there. A Freudian thing I guess!
Isn't it odd how whenever a white gets beat up it's always a either a frail 90 year old white woman (barely but did) standing up to a 285 pound black man stealing her social security money (god bless her)or some kid outnumbered by a pack of low life black punks that won't ever amount to anything other than a welfare recipient or warehoused at the tax payers expense in a penitentiary.
Always begging, always a total liability, warts on the ass of civilization! Speaking of change, I think - NO, I know it's coming!

I mean, when as a white, have you ever confronted a black that wasn't either pan handling (usually with the same "hey brotha, how you doing" introduction that they all use (Like they have "How To Bum Off White People Seminars or something) just before hittin you up for a "dolla" for some lame non existent empty gas tank or hungry wife and kids story - there is no such thing as hungry wives and kids in the US unless the welfare proceeds is poured into drugs) pimping, dealing mind poison or just messing with someone (usually smaller)!
You can't walk down the street and pass a spook without him begging for change!And then there's the sorry ass white woman who, for some unimaginable reason gets intimately involved (which is right up there with beastiality) and then abandoned with 4 mulatto kids nobody wants, or murdered. Usually, not much in the majority is thought about that, made your own bed kinda thing. Although a minority of family, friends and some grupees do care as you've seen in the OJ Simpson case.

It's getting to where blacks think they're legally entitled to physically attack (prey on) whites with government sanction in retaliation for non violent crimes.
I'm telling you, the lids rattling and gonna blow. The authorities are letting it happen and expecting whites to absorb the punishment to avoid pissing off the blacks into riot. They have been emboldened to the point where they kill cops, run drugs, dog fights and murder with impunity. Oh sure ,there's the token bust when the press runs with something, but as a norm. Blacks aren't fucked with until a temporary example needs to be made to slow things down a bit and then the blacks scream about how there are more blacks in prison than whites - DUH! that's because they comit more crimes dummy. Or they compare sentences ie " blacks do more time for crack than whites do for cocain - DUH! Heh stupid ass, it's called "first offense" as opposed to "LONG RAP SHEET", you know, career criminal, you mental mutants! Everyone is aware of those places on the other side of the tracks that have always existed where cops won't go. I think the authorities had better get serious and start doing the job before law abiding whites (and others)totally lose confidence in the system and start making the changes themselves. Just way to much double standards and everyone knows it, case in point - NIFONGS Duke rape case!History has shown over and over. Don't piss off the white man, it gets ugly real fast!

see; Jena demonstrations - misguided waste of resources...



Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jena demonstrations - misguided waste of resources

Lets see, black kids provoke violence by purposefully invading white kids space, trying to usurp the tree used as a meeting place by friends(territorial incursion).

White kids don't think it's funny and put a noose in the tree

Five black kids gang beat one white kid who goes to hospital
(when they should have taken the noose thing to the school authorities).

Black kids, rightfully, get arrested for assault and attempted murder
( must be tried and punished in court of law).

The Media (CNN)sees race bating opportunity and over blows the incident of the noose
( not the gang assault).

Black radicals, Jesse Jackson, rev Al Sharpton, senator Maxine Waters and all the usual suspects run with it, once again, like the Duke case, conveniently ignoring the criminal offenses committed by their breatheren and blaming the victim!(must give themselves and organizations justification for existence)

Jena city prosecutor compromises and lets all but one of the five criminals off
(one is given the book)rightfully so because they took the law into their own hands and someone could've been killed!

So the black protesters are spending $100 a piece to rent buses descending on tiny Jena Louisiana
(population grew tenfold during demonstration which is over tomorrow)

Nothing to do for Jena after tomorrow but to do a MAJOR CLEANUP and of course count the money
(thank you very much $KA-CHING$)


Mujahadeen moving on the Iberian. Spain and France doomed!

If stupidity and gullibility are to be rewarded, It couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch!

From article
By Lin Noueihed Thu Sep 20,

"Zawahri called on Muslims to restore al-Andalus -- the Arabic name given to parts of the Iberian peninsula under Muslim rule at various times from the 8th century.

"O our Muslim nation in the Maghreb .... restoring al-Andalus (is impossible) without first cleansing the Muslim Maghreb of the children of France and Spain, who have come back again after your fathers and grandfathers sacrificed their blood cheaply in the path of God to expel them," he said."

I don't know about France, but right now in Spain there's a lot of shaking going on.
Where will the mass Spanish evacuation go? Surely not here, the cowards are definitely not welcome here!

I think the true French are just, well, doomed to slaughter before they can even get on the planes. What is the Jihadi vs indigenous French population anyway, 50/50?


Osamas sheild is down

Ok, I guess we can kill Osama now! We may have to get in line behind Musharraf the president of Pakistan, who up to now has been protecting Osama Bin Laden and his faithful, lumpy headed sidekick Tonto. No that's not right I mean Ayman Zawihiri.

Yep, Osama has declared war on Musharraf And Zawihiri he's just a goof ball anyway you look at it! has told Muslims around the world to "kill Americans anywhere, anytime you find them".
So my fellow Americans, I guess that means, finally, that they have declared war on us personally and not just our interests and military. To the delight of many Americans, that means we can kill them in defense, OOOOrraaahhhh!

Did you know that a very sound military defensive tactic is to go on the offense while in a defensive posture - too bad the Military has forgotten that tactic the last four years. But I would remind every American citizen who's of sound mind and with loved ones dependent upon them for their safety and well being, to not fall prey to passivity, weakness or fear of reprisal or judicial penalty. Pretty strong response you say.
I would remind all Americans that there is an estimated 5 - 10 million Muslims living here, but like illegals from south of the border, we just don't know for sure. Below is a link with many different opinions on Muslims here.


Our borders have never, I repeat, NEVER been closed to any gun toting vermin wanting to come here



Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Clintons have Friends in Low places

What is with the Demokrats, particularly the Clintons, and their unsavory pals?
Hillarys people, the same ones from Bills hayday, namely Terry Mcaullife, former Chair of the DNC under her husband Slick Willie. I'm sorry, did i say Slick Willie? I meant Bill.

Anyway, the same players and the same corruption. By the way, they finally caught felony fugitive Norman Chu who gave several million dollars of swindled money to Hillarys presidential campaign.
Whats with the orientals, especially the Chinese and their urges to give the Clintons $MONEY$, lots of it? Even Monks for Christs sake.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 2007

This is the sixth year since that tragic day. As I write, General Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker are in their second day of being grilled by the Anarchist Party membership of Congress.

Presidential candidate, John McCain, just gave a rousing speech on how as Ive said a thousand times Iraq is the other battleground of the War on Terror.

To leave Iraq, surrender, now, would be a disaster of enormous proportions. Dwarfing Cambodia or Rwanda or Darfur.

McCain reiterated, as anyone with an IQ above Britney Spears is aware (apparently, in America these days there is a severe deficit in that department - especially on the LEFT & RIGHT Coasts), the speech made by Ahmenijad of Iran that Iran will soon step into fill the void in Iraq assuming we retreat as the American Anarchist Party insists.

He also mentioned, as have I many times, that the Iraqi Theater of the War On Terror has been handled all wrong from the beginning - going into the defensive, occupational position of sending small defenseless patrol units into the grinder day in, day out was irresponsible slaughter. Now, when it's almost too late (yet to be decided) the Pentagon, thru Petraeus, is getting it right by staying on the offense, which always keeps the enemy off balance!

The mad dash to Baghdad, leaving the rear and flanks exposed and the supply lines at risk, still haunts me as the biggest blunder in Modern Military History - they just threw all the Military text books out the window and the price of folley was paid in irreplaceable Troops - what a waste!

I don't know who to blame! Probably the civillian politicians but the Military from the top is enept and incompetent. The blunders seem to go on forever! From the escape of Bin Laden to throwing troops at the murderous IED's from Iran to giving headjobs to the Iranian backed Malicki Shia Government while the Iraqi Police/Military infiltration and sabotage went unabated is nothing short of criminal!

Saudi Arabia. Your days are numbered as far as sitting back with that Wahabist smirk on your face. You men in ladies dresses are still promoting suicide bombers and terrorist training camps. Not to mention setting up your heathen schools on my ground! I don't have to agree to get along for your (my) oil. You fucks roamed around the desert before WE found oil in your then, worthless sand box, and by God you'll roam blind around that worthless sand trap again if I have anything to do with it!

I'm telling you America, if you don't put me in charge you're all gonna die! The way things are going - probably in bed!

I warn you tho that you will hate me - just not as much as Americas enemies - all of them !

Friday, September 07, 2007

Osama Bin Laden - under stress

He's back and with a message mainly to his beleaguered troops.

Yes UBL, the great impostor is very aware of the hammering his troops have been getting all over the world in combat as well as the covert cells whose task it is to demoralize the West thru sabotage and murder.
The Islamowhacko Muslims, and that's damn near the whole flucking flock, are understandably demoralized. Believe me, he hears the moaning and wailing of underachievement and failure and is very aware of the annhilation upper echelon of his commanders in the field. It's no secret how many, almost weekly, failed terrorist bombings, deaths and captures of his foot soldiers throughout Europe and elsewhere.This is truly heartwarming seeing UBL so weak and disillusioned with his failed and unholy worldwide murder campaign. Yes, it's a magnificent day to see the anguish on his face!


Treason for Votes

An Editorial from
The Washington Post
The Long Knives
There's barely more than a week to go before Army Gen. David Petraeus arrives in Washington with his eagerly awaited assessment of progress in Iraq, and the Democrats are making their own war strategy abundantly clear. Gen. Petraeus must be portrayed as a White House stooge and the men and women risking their lives to defeat jihadists in Iraq his innocent lackeys. The propagandists mean to demoralize the troops by declaring their efforts doomed to failure, and even if they don't fail their substantial military successes don't amount to much.

The most disgraceful player so far is Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, who in speech ridiculed as "desperate" the successful strategy implemented by Gen. Petraeus, which has dramatically reduced violence in Anbar province and saved both American and Iraqi lives. The alliance between the U.S. military and Sunni tribesmen has encouraged the Sunnis to stand against al Qaeda. "Are we placing our faith in the future of Iraq in the hands of some warlords?" asked Mr. Schumer with a sour verbal sneer. "Some tribal leaders who at the moment dislike al Qaeda more than they dislike us? Is this the vaunted clarion cry for democracy in the Middle East that the President announced when he started the build-up in Iraq?... This is a policy of desperation."

Only a poisonous partisan — or someone ignorant of history and geopolitical reality — could say something like that. Using the Schumer standard, FDR and Churchill were wrong to form an alliance with Soviet dictator Josef Stalin because he was an evil man who didn't share our regard for "democracy." The World War II leaders of the West rightly judged that Hitler and the Axis powers posed a greater threat to U.S. interests than Stalin at the time — hence the decision to ally the United States and Britain with the Soviet Communists. No one now pretends that Sunni tribesmen have very much in common with Thomas Jefferson or James Madison. But only fools would take Mr. Schumer's advice to give the back of the hand to the Arab Muslims who are willing to join the fight against our mortal enemy.

Mr. Schumer's remarks are but step one in the latest Democratic initiative to "support the troops." S.A. Miller of The Washington Times reported yesterday that Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin and House Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee boss Chris Van Hollen seek to discredit Gen. Petraeus' findings before he reports them, depicting him as a White House mouthpiece who can't be trusted. Many prominent Democrats are heavily invested in an American defeat in Iraq, and Gen. Petraeus stands in their way. The debate is about to get ugly.



Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Tom Delay "The Hammer" vs. Matt Lauer "DNC" Court Jester

This article is from "TOWNHALL.COM"
Tom DeLay vs. Matt Lauer
By Brent Bozell III
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It was not exactly a plum assignment for a Republican to go on network television to discuss the alleged foot-tapping ways of the soon-to-be former GOP senator from Idaho. But Republicans also could easily see the delight in the eyes of the liberal media when word of Sen. Larry Craig's Minneapolis airport arrest broke.

The press went right back to last year's smash-mouth Foleygate talking points about how this wasn't just about the moral turpitude of one member of Congress, but it was about the impending end of the Republican Party, and potential doom for American conservatism.

On Tuesday, NBC's "Today" show had opened with Matt Lauer asking, "Can the right wing withstand yet another scandal involving one of its own?" (Try imagining Matt Lauer, or any other network journalist out there, asking if "the left wing" could withstand yet another scandal after the breaking news of any one of the endless scandals revolving around Bill and Hillary Clinton.) Ann Curry chimed in, wondering, "How does this specter of hypocrisy affect the party?"

The "Today" show came knocking, looking for GOP interviewees for Thursday morning. Most Republicans locked and bolted their doors. Tom DeLay agreed -- and came out fighting.

A viewer could have developed whiplash watching NBC's two interviews with Republicans that morning. First, Curry pressed Rep. Peter Hoekstra. He'd stated that members of Congress should be above reproach and that a member of Congress pleading guilty to a crime ought to resign. She hit him for his "rush to judgment." Never mind that most everyone rushed to the judgment that Craig was guilty around the moment the news broke that Craig had pleaded guilty.

A few minutes later, it was DeLay's turn with Matt Lauer, and The Hammer fought back, something wholly unexpected from the Gloomy Old Party these days. Lauer came from a different angle, first listing Republicans caught in scandals (Mark Foley, Jack Abramoff, David Vitter), then concluding that almost no one wanted to vote for a Republican president now, and that as a result of a scandal-ridden GOP, the most popular Republican presidential candidate was "none of the above."

Unlike most Republicans who either take to the network airwaves with a look of fright, or worse, that awful congenial frozen smile, DeLay was clearly in a fighting mood. When Lauer wondered if these Republican sex scandals would tar the whole party or were just isolated "bad apples," DeLay ignored the question and got right to the point: "Well, I hate to say this Matt, but you just showed the problem, the double-standard, and you just participated in it. You listed a whole lot of scandals that involve the Republicans, but you didn't mention one Democrat."

Lauer was clearly unsettled by that answer and retorted, "But you didn't hear me." He repeated the question. Still DeLay would have none of it and continued pounding on Lauer's GOP-trashing premise: "If you had listed all the Democrats that are having problems right now, it would have been different. You see the Democrats re-elect the people with their problems. Republicans kick them out. If you look at what's going on, it's how you handle it as a party."

DeLay then turned to the unassailable specifics: "You have right now, Alan Mollohan, a congressman from West Virginia, who is being investigated by the FBI, and the Democrats have kept him on as chairman of the committee that has oversight of the budget of the FBI. You have William Jefferson -- "

Lauer was losing control of the interview and interrupted, trying to end DeLay's listing of Democratic scandals: "So, you're saying it's a positive thing. Is it a positive thing that the Republicans do this, they weed out immediately?" DeLay stood his ground "You don't want me to finish it?" he challenged. Lauer deferred: "No, no, go ahead."

DeLay continued: "Well, you have William Jefferson caught with $90,000 of marked bills in a freezer. And they did put him off the Ways and Means Committee, but they put him on a highly sensitive Homeland Security Committee." He added the old 1980s examples of Reps. Barney Frank and Gerry Studds, and could have added another dozen had the word "Clinton" been introduced into the conversation.

At one point Lauer claimed, "There was an awful lot of coverage of William Jefferson when that story broke, Congressman." I'm sure DeLay wishes he'd had this piece of data available in the memory banks: NBC's "Today" has never once aired an NBC reporter explaining the Jefferson scandal. All that's dribbled out are a few 50-word anchor-read droplets.

But no matter. DeLay didn't budge from the double-standard argument, and within hours was the toast of the conservative movement, as news of his performance spread like wildfire through the Internet and talk radio.

A few more confrontations like this, and the double-standard will end.


Muslim Assholes with explosives in Germany

They just hate and want to kill Americans.
They planned to kill us at the air ports, the pubs and sunning in the park!

Trained (surprise me) in Pakistan..Why do we not just kill them, shortly after interrogation of course?

I'm going to get into intelligence somehow. I feel the need to care, feed and just kinda be near our unfortunate Muslim guests.

The poor misled wretches just need someone to care and help them away from the opiate that torments and leads them to the evil they are known for.
Someone who will go the extra mile in saving their bedeviled souls and lead them to the path of righteousness thru their untimely demise, I mean sacrifice!

I'll study the time honored, tried and true, practices of the Crusader Monks in making those who lie, tell the truth - I swear I will - please!

Man thats good stuff, vote for me and be rid of that vermon!


Maddrasa in the BIG Apple

Here it comes - and some really stupid NYC public servants are holding open the door for them..

Hey Osama, let's open some terrorist learning centers in the U.S. and call them public schools at the dumbass American taxpayers expense - think of the money saved from not having to send them to Pakistan!

Right in New York City. Think of it, get out of school walk down the street a couple a blocks and - BOOMmm! Light your ass up!

How cool is that ?


Monday, September 03, 2007

C.A.I.R. revisited

Tampa Florida's popular late night talk show Televangelist, Bill Keller,was fired after five years of taking the truth to the flock about Islam (religion of peace HA)and calling the so-called prophet of peace, Mohammad, a murdering pedophile. Nothing new, that's exactly what he's been doing the last five years.

C.A.I.R or Center for American Islamic Relations, used the Jesse Jackson blackmail tact of labeling someone a racist and thereby the person or organization in question collapses under the weight of the stereotype and bingo, certain people end up with oh, distributorships and things like that.

Anyway, if you've read my blog before, you know I've written about the scourge called C.A.I.R and it's evil sire, Islam.

Just type in C.A.I.R in the search window for previous posts!

Well, as Keller stated on CNN's Rick Sanchez show tonight with a C.A.I.R representative present.They didn't stop anything because he, Keller, has been picked up by not one but two shows to air soon..Can I get an AMEN? All you christian soldiers out there be sure to tune in and keep the faith that all the heathen representatives of Islam will dry up and blow away in the winds of indifference and non acceptance in America.
And pray that they take those damn rugs, foot baths and hideous religious spires with them!
