Liberty and Tyranny
This is what the government is so wrecklessly doing to our economy;
Conservative Manifesto;
Eliminate the Progressive Income Tax because it's purpose is to redistribute wealth.
Replace it with the Flat Income Tax or National Sales Tax.
Only Constitutionally legitimate functions of government should be funded.
All residents of the country should pay the tax to have a stake in limiting it's abuse.
Eliminate the automatic withholding of taxes for it conceals the extent to which the government is confiscating income from it's citizens.
Eliminate the Corporate Income Tax . It's double taxation on shareholders, consumers and penalizes wealth initiative and job creation.
Eliminate the Death Tax that denies citizens the right to pass on that which they accumulate to their heirs or whomever they wish.
All Fed Income Tax increases require a 3/5 vote in Congress.
Limit Federal spending each year to less than 20% of the Gross Domestic Product.
There are those that say "you can't trust corporations or rich people, we've let them get away with too much already!" Then they proceed to pass the blame of our current economical meltdown on Wall Street or the Banks when anyone who has been paying any attention at all knows that the government institutions long in place to police these entities, such as the S.E.C. and Congress it's self didn't do their jobs.
As a matter of fact, the Congress, beginning with the Community Reinvestment Act, designed to encourage commercial banks and savings associations to meet the needs of borrowers in all segments of their communities, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. READ that "Birth Of Sub Prime Loans" known in the Real Estate World as "No Doc or Liar Loans" the socialist doctrine of dumbing down of bank loan standards.
And then there's Barney Frank's "blind date" with Freddie's Fannie!
The problem with that way of thinking, unless you have or want a career in government, is that most people desire to be wealthy and will put out what it takes in the private sector to get there.
When the socialists get complete control, and it looks like they will, there will be no incentive to excell.
Learn to communicate with each other;
We all know that government has become a clumsy, incompetent, corrupt and probably the most unforgiving of all, unresponsive beauracracy, indifferent to it's citizens !
Myself, I fall in the group of one that thinks we should, as citizens, in unison so no one or two of us can be singled out for the "re-education camps" should not pay any taxes until the government agrees to have it's books done to eliminate excess spending, find savings through waste and cutbacks in excessive payments including their salaries and perks - BTW, any income, retirement and especially insurance programs they have will be made to reflect that of the ordinary citizen ..
Good luck to all !