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vigilance-the quality or state of being vigilant. vigilante-watchman, guard, member of a vigilance committee. vigilance Committee-a volounteer committee of citizens organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate). Vi et Armis A Fortiori - By Force and Arms with yet stronger reason. A Verbus Ad Verbera - From words to blows.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Saga of Cindy Sheehan - R.I.P.

I think she and her entourage is in need of a well deserved rest. Maybe a one way vacation to N. Korea, Iran or, How about France. I hear it's nice in the spring! Hey, and all of her comrades, Michael Moore, Jane Fonda and the likes will enjoy visiting her. Naw, she will be a symbol of defeat living a tortured, lonely existence in depressed obscurity. No one who knows the sting of defeat will want to revisit that!

Damn, she went to visit her Mother but she's baaack! And now she's planning a trip along the Gulf Coast, You don't suppose I would be forgiven for thoughts of her and Hurricane Katrina meeting up somewhere along the road. Now she's blaming The President for Katrina. Yeah, I'd definately be forgiven!

And the poll says

I'm sick and tired of hearing "the poll says, Americans feel less safe now than they did before the Iraq War". Yeah right, as if the terrorists were going to go away after getting one good lick in with 9/11 just to teach the uppity Americans a lesson. That is just more liberal antiwar bullshit that seems to get a pass (like much of their weeny ass rhetoric)! How can anyone feel less safe now with no attacks since 9/11 than they did in the period before invading Afghanistan? After which we were euphoric and feeling confident, even the markets did well! And later with the hard driving plunge into Iraq we were back slappin with awe on the performance of our men and equipment.

It's alarming how many paranoid crybaby anarchist Americans there are now days. Look, why should you, and I'm talking to you of battle age here for a minute, be losing sleep with worry? You spoiled brats live with mom, don't make your own beds and try to emulate your sixties era parents and grandparents who didn't know shit then and still don't. Thats right, try going to bed thinking of the young men and women putting their asses on the line for a worthless piece of shit like you who's getting ready to go to college on DADs credit card!
You know you'll only get juiced in it! You'll hang with a bunch of wannabe hippies (like your fatassed parents) learning how to demonstrate against a war that has no comparison to Viet Nam what so ever. Do you ever think you'll get around to examining the fact that college and life for you as it is comes from the fact that you live in a country that makes the good life possible because there are some who truly understand that if you don't nurture it, it will die. Think about that when you dream about the great car and job you expect some day. Or would you rather be making shoes in Bangledesh!

Sorry you brats don't feel safe (young and old) but it's not because we've been attacked. And you can forget about letting the Islamofacists walk so you can sleep better. Jesus Christ, what a bunch of punks!
Granted, some blunders brought on by a lack of foresight such as Custers deja vu - ending up shorthanded and surrounded by Indians, thereby putting ones self on a defensive footing, losing momentum of the offense. Ending up shorthanded was due to the lack of backbone of our so called allies to support the unnanomous U.N. innitiatives allowing the can of kick ass to be opened. Now, we know our allies were up to their eyebrows in a great opportunity, "Stealing the Oil for Food Program blind", for which no one of substance has payed. Where is that little weasel, Kofi Anan anyway? So, now we're shorthanded, making the most of what we had was imperative in pulling off the attack. Turkey wouldn't let us launch attacks from the North and troops had to be sent all the way back to Kuwait - could have been a disaster, but wasn't!

A hell of a lot more of the enemy are dying in far away places than our guys and the last I heard, none here. Try to act like an American for a change!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Re Michael Graham vs Cair


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CAIR killing free speech in the U.S.?
Joel Mowbray (back to web version) | Recommend to a friend

September 2, 2005

Though there is some disagreement between local talk station WMAL and fired mid-morning host Michael Graham over the details of his recent termination, one thing is not in dispute: the big winner is the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which called for his ouster, yet has never specifically condemned Islamic terrorist organizations such as Hamas or Hezbollah.

In a year that started with it blasting away at the Fox television show “24”—because it had terrorists who were Muslims—CAIR has garnered more attention than ever before. Now with the firing of Mr. Graham, it has achieved perhaps its greatest feat yet—at least in perception, which is typically tantamount to reality.

And a stronger CAIR almost inevitably means a weakened culture of free speech.

Mr. Graham was fired last week by Disney-owned WMAL for his on-air comments on July 21 that Islam is a “terrorist organization.” After initially defending him, however, the station suspended him without pay on July 28—three days after CAIR launched its initial campaign.

In an official statement, the station dismissed the coincidence of timing, saying, “we make our decisions independent of external pressures or third parties.” But given that the station went abruptly from supporting Graham to suspending him, it seems difficult to believe that the CAIR-stirred controversy had no impact on the sudden switch.

Graham likely was not immediately shown the door after making the comments on July 21 because they were rich with context, with the logic and rationale for his labeling Islam a “terrorist organization” well laid-out. The remarks were far from flippant, and seen in context, they don’t read as the rantings of a fire-breathing bigot.

Here is a representative sample of Graham’s remarks:

“Because of the mix of Islamic theology that — rightly or wrongly — is interpreted to promote violence, added to an organizational structure that allows violent radicals to operate openly in Islam’s name with impunity, Islam has, sadly, become a terrorist organization. It pains me to say it. But the good news is it doesn’t have to stay this way, if the vast majority of Muslims who don’t support terror will step forward and re-claim their religion.”

Focusing solely on the “terrorist organization” soundbite obviously makes Mr. Graham’s comments indefensible—and legitimately an outrage. But with his clearly spelled-out reasoning, there is still much room with which to disagree with his labeling—but it is much harder to pillory his comments as bombastic bigotry.

Whether WMAL intended to or not, the station has handed CAIR arguably its biggest victory to date, and has certainly increased the legitimacy of an organization that deserves none.

It won’t just be radio talk hosts that will start feeling chilly when the topic of Islam arises. Television personalities, reporters, columnists, or anyone who works for a corporate interest that would bristle at being the target of a CAIR scare campaign would think twice before making even entirely defensible statements. It’s not inconceivable that media outlets could set up clear demarcation lines and declare certain subject matters or groups off-limits.

In fairness to WMAL, it isn’t the first conservative media outlet to bow to CAIR pressure. National Review (where this columnist once worked) earlier this year removed a book from its online bookstore deemed “bigoted” and “anti-Muslim hate” by CAIR after the group sent a threatening letter to major advertiser Boeing—which sells planes to many wealthy Arabs.

The threat of public controversy is apparently so strong that major media outlets—the top conservative talk station in the nation’s capital and the nation’s premier conservative publication—are fleeing from rather than fighting an organization replete with ripe targets.

Take your pick: CAIR’s radical roots essentially as an offshoot of a rabidly anti-Semitic organization long viewed as Hamas’ biggest political booster in the U.S., its co-founder Omar Ahmad praising suicide bombers who “kill themselves for Islam” in November 1999 (according to a transcript provided by the Investigative Project), or its repeated failure to specifically condemn radical Islam or terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, dismissing requests to do so as a “game.”

CAIR’s key to success in spite of its ugly history is an odd combination of finesse and noise. Realizing that it needs to pass itself off as moderate, CAIR has become the master of making even intelligent people believe that they’ve condemned something when they haven’t.

Case in point: its recent fatwa against “extremism” and “terrorism.” CAIR and others came out against two terms that they intentionally didn’t define. Hamas, for example, has long maintained that it is not “terrorism” to kill Israelis because of the Jewish state’s mandatory military conscription. Last year’s CAIR-led “Not in the Name of Islam” campaign was of the same ilk.

Or when four Americans were murdered and mutilated in Fallujah last year. CAIR condemned the mutilations, but not the murders—the same exact position as a leading radical cleric in Fallujah. This was no mere semantic slip; it was the continuation of a pattern that has snookered many.

All of this information is available to media outlets subjected to a CAIR onslaught. None has yet to dig in and fight, however.

Normal debating rules argue against attacking the messenger, but is it really unfair to ask CAIR to condemn terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah before acknowledging their criticisms of even admittedly offensive speech?

©2005 Joel Mowbray

From: To: Berry, Chris J
Sent: Mon Aug 22 20:32:00 2005
Subject: Feedback
Originated from: http://www.wmal.com/contactus.asp

Name: CuCullen

E-mail Address:

I can't beleive you cratered to CAIR. With a little research, you would have discovered just who and what they stand for. Michael Graham is a Patriot whom you should be proud to employ. I think as far as the sponsor $$$ worry goes, now you can worry!

Mr CuCullen

Typically we don't comment on personnel matters, but given the misstatements being communicated by Michael, I want to set the record straight.

Some of Michael’s statements about Islam went over the line – and this isn’t the first time that he has been reprimanded for insensitive language and comments. In this case, as previously, Michael’s on-air statements do not reflect the attitudes or opinions of station management. I asked Michael for an on-air acknowledgement that some of his remarks were overly broad and inexplicably he refused.

Michael has also tried to position this that we were pressured into taking disciplinary action against him. For the record we make our decisions independent of external pressures or third parties and we will not permit an employee to willfully violate our policies or disregard management direction.

Chris Berry
President, General Manager
News Talk 630 WMAL

Mr Berry
I understand your situation but I, like many others, are free to take a little less of a politically correct stance in our efforts to wake the sleeping in this war on terror. In a nutshell, Moderate Islam (if there is such a thing) has not yet been able to denounce, without a sympathetic footnote, the Islamofascist terrorists!
In closing, I will not bother you any further but thought you might, if not all ready, want to get up to speed on this topic. So, am enclosing a link to a website you may find illuminating! http://www.danielpipes.org/article/2811

Monday, August 22, 2005

NARAL - Nitwts Against Reason And Legitimacy vs John Roberts

I can't beleive how many desperate Liberal Congressmen have had photo ops with Judicial Nominee John Roberts. Even the numero uno Liberal commie -Edward lard ass Kennedy! What the hell is wrong with Massachusettes anyway?

WMAL Talk Jock Fired by Islamofacists

Islamic group cair, council for american islamic relations got am radio talk show host Michael Graham of WMAL, fired for speaking his mind after the London bombings. The group complained and WMAL cratered for the $$$ - boycot WMAL to get the $$$ point across in spades! The Link at the bottom has info that will blow your mind and make your finger twitch!

CAIR and Michael Graham
By Joel Mowbray
August 18, 2005
Local talk-radio station WMAL is under assault from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a group that has savaged journalists, critics of radical Islam, even the Fox TV show "24" -- but which just as steadfastly has refused to specifically condemn various Islamic terrorist organizations.
CAIR has instigated a campaign to pressure the Disney-owned WMAL to fire its already-suspended midday host, which came on the heels of its initial effort to have him suspended.
Though the outcome is uncertain in the current situation, two things are certain: 1) CAIR will continue demonizing genuine criticism of radical Islam as "Islamophobia," and 2) it will never specifically condemn radical Islam or Islamic terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah.
At issue are remarks made by mid-morning host Michael Graham, in which he said that "Islam has, sadly, become a terrorist organization." But what is lost in most media accounts -- and is never mentioned by CAIR -- are the surrounding statements made by Mr. Graham, which put the thrust of his comments in an entirely different light.
Mr. Graham's comments, in fact, were not met with immediate condemnation or outrage. He wasn't suspended until July 28, almost a week after his on-air remarks. In the interim, CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper even came on Mr. Graham's show -- telling him that CAIR didn't want him fired, just punished. Once Mr. Graham was suspended indefinitely later that week, CAIR quickly called for his head.
Here are Mr. Graham's remarks, with full context:
"Because of the mix of Islamic theology that -- rightly or wrongly -- is interpreted to promote violence, added to an organizational structure that allows violent radicals to operate openly in Islam's name with impunity, Islam has, sadly, become a terrorist organization. It pains me to say it. But the good news is it doesn't have to stay this way, if the vast majority of Muslims who don't support terror will step forward and reclaim their religion."
Plenty of people can -- and should -- take issue with the framing of the religion itself as a "terrorist organization." But his surrounding comments have more than a ring of truth. Islamic theology is used to promote violence. And in many parts of the world, radicals have taken control of Islam--and the moderates have been effectively silenced.
And Mr. Graham's desire that moderates reclaim control of Islam is shared by many, though likely not by CAIR or groups of its ilk.
CAIR was founded in 1994 by two former high-ranking officials with the Islamic Association of Palestine, a rabidly anti-Semitic organization known as Hamas' biggest political booster in the United States.
Since September 11, CAIR officials have been careful to avoid the appearance that they support Islamic terrorism. But not before September 11. In November 1999, CAIR President Omar Ahmad addressed a youth session at the IAP annual convention in Chicago, where he praised suicide bombers who "kill themselves for Islam": "Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam ? that is not suicide. They kill themselves for Islam." (Transcript provided by the Investigative Project.)
Though CAIR's mission is not to serve as an overt Hamas partisan, the organization has refused to specifically condemn the terrorist organization. Ditto for Hezbollah, which is responsible for murdering more Americans than any other terrorist group besides al Qaeda. And CAIR refused to condemn bin Laden or al Qaeda by name until three months after September 11.
The Washington Post in November 2001 asked a CAIR spokesman to condemn Hamas or Islamic Jihad. He refused, explaining, "It's not our job to go around denouncing." Asked a similar question about Hamas and Hezbollah by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in February 2002, Mr. Hooper called such queries a "game," and added, "We're not in the business of condemning."
Of course, CAIR is very much "in the business of condemning." The group gleefully slams critics of radical Islam, television shows, and talk-radio hosts. But when it comes to Islamic terrorist organizations or prominent Muslims who endorse terrorism, CAIR's silence is deafening.
To provide cover -- and further perpetuate the myth that CAIR and other American Muslim organizations are genuinely "moderate" -- various fundamentalist Muslim leaders recently issued a fatwa against "extremism" and "terrorism." It was classic CAIR obfuscation: It condemned terms that were intentionally not defined. Not coincidentally, no terrorist organizations were named. Sadly, many media outlets were snookered.
The question is: will WMAL be snookered? The station, for its part, refuses comment, with one official calling it a "human resources issue." And the station has never acknowledged that CAIR was responsible for its decision. So it is possible that something else may be at play. There are even some signals that the host might be back behind the microphone before long. At press time, he had not been reinstated.
Regardless of whether or not CAIR is successful in ousting Mr. Graham, though, it's only a matter of time before the group launches its next smear campaign. There's no telling whom CAIR would target next for condemnation, though it is clear who would not be.

Joel Mowbray writes occasionally for The Washington Times.

To learn more about the terrorist front org. Cair, http://www.danielpipes.org/article/2811 The comment section is illuminating

Iraq, Islamic state?

If they vote for that we're the fools, we lose, some say we set up for democracy and they vote for Islamic state then it's ok,if Iraq stays a friend! But, I think it's not possible to be an Islamic state with all that ensues and be a friend, oil and water ! - sounds like our troops fought and died in vain. No nation building! Man, seems like a million years ago now. But I was, in the beginning against Nation Building. Then the evolution of events required compromise such as rebuilding Iraq with Their OIL money, When it was discovered the oil fields were in disarray - nothing - Who is paying for rebuilding now? Probably us, because you don't hear anything - If them, you'd hear it! I am going back to no nation building, go in, kick ass, get out, State depts view - winning hearts and minds is off limits with enemys - wack em hard with out large cumbersome armies which is outdated. High-tech/covert action is the only way. Once you get an army in country it's not so easy getting them out. The temptation is to occupy and thats expensive in men and material which is out of the question in the 21st century! If theres a big enough reason to nail anyone you needn't worry about being best buddies - hit em hard. Get their respect not their love!

National Geographic Channel

tonight - INSIDE 9/11 - The Truth - sorry if you miss it! Many will, but if it's a hit I'm sure they will reair it. Going to be an eye opener!

Cindy Sheehan - the anti American anarchist

I can't believe the press is still promoting this dumbass woman and her goofy Michael Moore antagonist crowd. I swear that if one gets within arms length of my person he/she's gonna get pummeled. I've had it with these idiots! Sheehan is saying (link) America isn't worth fighting for and Bush killed her son on and on. What a stupid bitch! Again, if she didn't want her kid Casey to join the military she should of stopped him. I'm afraid she, like many others, thought it was a great idea for the GI benefits like loans, education etc. and how willing they were to see their kids in a handsome uniform, getting a mans dicipline thru boot camp and on the job training (Casey learned Humvee mechanics which was his job in Iraq). But hey, guess what? You may also have to pay the piper in combat. The time has come to confront these traitors with in your face counter demonstrations. The line is being drawn at this very moment in Crawford with the arrival of bikers, some of which are just wannabes but others are there, chomping at the bit, to plant the proverbial boot up the traitors asses. They won't attack unless provoked (legalities) but looking for the opportunity I'm sure! Wanna bet her mother never had a stroke. The death threat pressure on her family has to be intense!

IRAQ - Bomb Loaded Cars

I can't beleive what I saw on FOX News. Some GIs in Iraq on IED patrol hotdoggin for the cameras decided to push a possible bomb rigged car from the road with a Humvee. &%*^$%#@!... The (and I love these guys) field commander should be releived of duty for allowing that kind of crap. Thats so stupid! Blow the damned thing up and then push it off the road. Shoot a cable into it and drag it, from a distance. But never, ever get up close like that and destroy U.S. property, not to mention endanger soldiers lives. Is this typical, daily practice? I sure hope training is way beyond the stupidity witnessed by that video!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Why Mexico can't get it's shit together?

Everyone is aware, I'm sure, there are a lot of people in Mexico who are literally dying to get out. A recent poll shows 1/2 of all Mexicans would like to come to the United States. Due to a corrupt feudal system that goes back hundreds of years to the era of the Conquistadores of Spain where the Dons own and control, much like most, if not all of South America, just about everything (everyone). It amazes me why they feel such allegiance to a country that offers the same 5th century lifestyle as their Indian ancestors!
Maybe they are incapable of being industrious in an entrepreneurial way. I say this because the big cities have industry. So what's the problem with the rest. Is it genetics meaning the upper class with European blood lines are only capable of invention and implementation. Why then isn't the country able to grow and employ, is it a lack of education, what?
There has always been social upheavel and revolutionaries in Mexico, Poncho Villa to name one among many. The citizens of Mexico would rather leave for menial work than stay, be educated (is that even possible in Mexico) and take a positive roll in it's future. Rather they look north for salvation but with scorn and vindictiveness as though changing ones geograghical location would solve the problem. Even if they did take a vast portion of the U.S. as some Latin militants would have it, they wouldn't be any better off due to a lack of inventive know how or good ole Yankee Ingenuity. This is nothing new, all thru history there have always been those who couldn't do it on their own, therefore they felt occupying would be the answer, you don't have a toilet, that's ok, your neighbor does. So many times this was done only to find they weren't capable of maintaining what they occupied. I know what you're going to say, the Incas and Mayans had civilizations which is true but the only buildings found of their cities were vast temples used to cut out the hearts of the people as sacrifices. Hmmm, maybe we're on to something here, see above!
The pro illegal alien arguments out there now are indeed flowery prose but don't cut it. It's not our duty to subsidise the Mexican govt. with the U.S. dollars sent home by illegal workers and I don't care, this is the first time you've heard this, if Mexico is holding ground against the communist South/Central American unification with Castros Cuba and his oil soaked buddy Venezuelan President Chavez! It's to much, being in bed with a corrupt country you can't trust, he'd flip in a minute. The State Dept. has got us in these messes before. Sleep with dogs and you'll get fleas. Besides, there aren't any illegal alien crash pad rentals in their neighborhoods - just yours! While I'm at it, Rosa Rosales of L.U.L.A.C - kiss my ass!

Gaza's Pullout

Wish I knew what they are up to? The gaza is/was a very strategic piece of ground, fairly won when the Arab world decided to sneak attack the Israelis and got thier asses kicked loseing the Gaza in the process. The defense of said terra firma has been a drain on resources to be sure but leaving it may/may not be a strategic soft spot. The situation psychologically is that the Israelis who fought and died repelling the invaders feel giving it up is a wasted step backwards. The Arabs of course, feel they should be rewarded for sucker punching and losing as if it never happened.
To get to the marrow one has to go back very far in history and visit the who was there first scenario. The question is, were the Mulims there first or the Jews in which case the Jews win hands down because there wasn't any such thing as Islam until 1500 yrs ago and even Christianity pre dates that. The ancestors of the present day Palestinians were probably Jews 2000 yrs ago! Controversial quagmire for sure, ongoing war, absolutely. These modern wars (skirmishes) baffel the hell out of me, 100 yrs ago the palestinians wouldn't even exist because of the terrorist crap they've been up too. Pretty lucky I guess!
Today, the Gaza has been reluctantly cleared of settlers by young Israeli soldiers who sadly but dutifully followed orders. Democracy in action as it was the will of the majority. Hats off to all in a heartbreaking situation!
Woe to the Palestinians if Abu Mazzin (Mahmoud Abbas), the replacement as President for Yasser Arafat, can't reign in the terrorist groups Hamas,Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and others who albeit at this very moment are planning attacks from their new outpost against Israelis. If so, all bets are off and Israeli anger will be like a scythe in a wheat field!

More Abu Ghrab Crap

There's more important things to deal with than that nonesense, like say, the little asshole that just became President of Iran. He was id'd by a few of the American Embassy Hostages during the Iranian Revolution as one of the head honchos who ordered abuses. Now, he's sending arms and roadside bombs into Iraq to kill our guys!
Whoa, read that WOE! news today Aug-18-2005. The Eighty Second Airborne is moving to Iraq. Destination, Abu Ghrab as guards, yeah right. Somethings up kids and I like it. Somebodys opening a serious can of kick ass and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Saudis overrun Virginia Tech

The school is making deals to segragate by gender which is aginst our civil rights laws and Lord knows women have no rights in the land of camels and jackasses. A female professor is being expected, against her grain, to pretend that she didn't have to fight the fight to gain certain inalienable rights as a woman. If Muslims are offended by integrated classes, let them stay home. If you went to the land of Saud you would have no rights/respect at all, you wretched Infidel!
Until these self righteous Camel Jockeys (wouldn't that make a kool yard ornament) suffer some humility - brought down a notch or two - we're going to be dealing with they're treachery and murderous ways! What kind of lifetime propoganda could possibly have turned the lowest of the low into such holier than thou egotists is beyond me.?
It goes to show how dangerous ignorance can be. The real danger is with those Moslems who sit in silence, whether out of fear or sympathy makes no difference, it's all the same to those of us who, when suffering attacks like those abroad, will not be able to discriminate between one or the other in retaliation.They will, I'm sure, when it's to late, start outting the radicals in their communities not realizing the hour late dollar short cliche has become a brutal unforgiving reality.

Cindy Sheehan - From sorrow to bile

Cindy Sheehan, Mother of a KIA in Iraq who met with the President and publically stated how sincere the President was in his condolences for her loss, shows up angry and bitter recently. Supported by an anarchist anti war crowd, is still at it. But like others in history - Mirat and Hebert, usurped by Robespierre, Mirabeau and Danton leading to the French revolution where the masses spiraled into murderous chaos - her reasoning too, is imprisoned by her council. Kept tired, out of the loop and unaware of the plots devised by those of unsavory character in need of her notariety and influence to further their own treasonous agendas. Yea, Kingdoms lost, Empires fell, heads have rolled from deeds nursed in the hearts of evil people - "Oh, what tangled web we weeve"!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

A war to be taken seriously

>Below is an excerpt from an anti war group that from the looks of you will be hearing more from in the future.
Cindy Sheehan and her cohorts are camped out right now in Crawford Tx. where they are demanding to speak with the President. Now you know (maybe you don't) do to the open animosity and venom of this group, Gold Star families for Peace, that the Administration will never walk into a biligerent verb fest/photo op for a Vietnam esq antiwar group.
Your heart as well as that of the President, Rumsfeld and anyone else feels for the Mothers and families of lost loved ones who die in service to their country. But in reading some of their diatribe about the war which seems suspiciously devoid of any historical/chronological order that it seems they may be a little irrational http://www.gsfp.org/ bordering on ignorance.
No one forced their children to offer themselves to the service of this Nation, hopefully they "enlisted" as Patriots and not just educational opportunists which, for sure, some did. It makes me wonder, if their sons enlisted, as a lot did, out of a deep beleif in the mission what would the Hero think of the mayhem brought on in his name. If Ms Sheehan couldn't persuade her son not to join the military as were his wishes, what right has she to defame his descision and ultimate sacrifice?
Below is an excerpt from which I will illuminate with opposing views.

The Dangerous Gold Star Families Jan.24, 2005
by Cindy Sheehan

Secratary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld continues to astound us Gold Star Families with his heartlessness, callousness and disrespect in the faces of our children who are being killed in the mindless invasion and occupation of Iraq.

>heartlessness, callousness and disrespect - Thats simply shameful, adholescent ramblings. I'm sure the lost lives bothers him deeply.
mindless invasion - occupation - Hmm, how many U.N. resolutions were violated? How much money was sent by Saddam ($35000ea) to the families of suicide bombers for killing mothers and their children? Shooting at our pilots from the no fly zone, and of course the W.M.D. thing that the whole world beleived exsisted, which I still beleive existed but was sent to Syria on trucks (remember the satellite photos). Even if it wasn't true, due to faulty intel, It wasn't our intel at fault and anyway, has nothing to do with that lousy day of 9/11 and finally stepping up to take out that which is responsible. Maybe Ms Sheehan hasn't heard but I'm sure her son knew of the War on Terror brought on by the loss of 3000 Americans on 9/11 that unless you want terrorists killing in a neighborhood near you, it had to involve getting in their face where it meant the most, on Mulim soil. It worked they came to the honey and they're being killed! Unfortunately, some of ours will be killed as well. Thats war! Rest assured, for every one of ours killed they've lost many many more.

I am one of the founding members of a group called Gold Star Families for Peace. Some of us families who have lost loved ones in this illegal and immoral war in Iraq have organized to use our collective voices to bring the tragedy of war to the fore front of America's hearts and souls like it so tragically is in ours. We families are amazed that so few of our fellow citizens are touched by the horrors of the invasion and occupation of a sovereign country. It seems to us like the only people who are asked to sacrifice anything for the war effort are our brave young men and women fighting this so-called war and their families. There are some families in our nation like us, that have paid the ultimate price for the lies and betrayals of this current administration.

>illegal, immoral war - Really, thats ludicrous and well, ignorant!
collective voices bringing the tragedy of war to Americas heart and soul, so few fellow citizens are touched by the horrors blah blah blah - Oh please, spare us your sanctimonious bull! What makes you think you're the only ones aware of the tragedy of war? We all feel sick upon hearing the losses, we just don't wear it on our sleeves and spread the venom of misplaced emotion bordering on treason. Most reasoned Americans mourn with dignity in respectful solitude.

I, and some other Gold Star Families, have been writing and calling the Department of Defense for over three weeks. We were all meeting in DC to protest the inauguration and we thought it would be a good time to meet with Donald Rumsfeld. We have many questions to ask him about our loved ones' deaths and we deserve to have some answers. I think it is our right as Americans and grieving families to have these answers. For example, why were the children of this country sent to fight a war without the proper training, equipment or armor? Why were our children sent to fight a war that had no basis in reality? Why are American children still over there fighting a war, and dying in a war, when all the reasons for the war have been proven false? When is this administration going to bring the rest of our children home before it's too late for their families?

>Paragraph above in it's entirity - immature rantings, now you know why you weren't received, our troops (your son) are the best trained/equipped military in the world bar none! They aren't children, and they were sent because of the reality and they're still fighting because the war isn't over!

If we were granted an audience with him, we didn't really expect Mr. Rumsfeld to be truthful with us or even polite to us considering his past history of being so sarcastically untruthful and blatantly rude. The real reason I wanted to meet with Rumsfeld was so he could see the face of my son, Spc Casey Sheehan, who was killed in Sadr City on 04/04/04. I wanted him to look me in the face and see my red swollen eyes and to see all the lines that grief has etched. I wanted him to see the unbearable pain his ignorance and arrogance has caused me and my family. I wanted him to know that his actions have terrible consequences.

>You weren't granted an audience with him because he won't put himself in a slugfest with greiving loved ones of the fallen and who's only concept of truth is their own, which is clouded with pain and the need to blame someone else for descisions made by a soldier who knew the dangers and possible outcomes. As for the swollen eyes and grief, maybe you should see someone more qualified to console in such matters

Our letters, phone calls, faxes, and e-mails to the Pentagon were to no avail: we received no response. So in conjunction with Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) we decided to go to the Pentagon and try and meet with someone, anyone. We were met at the parking lot by a couple of dozen of police officers blocking our way. We were told that we weren't allowed to go into the Pentagon because we didn't go through the proper protocol to request a meeting!!

>Duh! - Thats right, just walk right in to the Pentagon (after 9/11) have some cool-aid!

I find it so ironic that with all the tight security for the events in DC this week that enough time and energy was mustered to stop families in mourning so forcefully at the Pentagon. I also find it ironic that if I were a wealthy Republican who had donated large sums of money for the "re"-election of the President, I could have had access to all the big wigs at the lavish parties -- but I, whose son paid the ultimate price of his precious life to this country, can't even get within a half of a mile from the man who sent him to die.

>You're not in mourning with the attitude one gleans from your rantings. It's more like a lynch mob, an assasination attempt!

We Gold Star Families for Peace are not giving up the fight to hold someone in this administration accountable for the quagmire in Iraq and the more important struggle to bring the rest of our children home from this devastating occupation now. It takes most of our energy just to get out of our beds in the morning and mourn our horrific losses. We need all Americans to wake up and start lobbying their elected officials for an end to this immorality in Iraq and to join our voices in protest.

>Please, get a grip. Rumsfeld didn't kill your son, niether did the President . The Muslim heathens killed your son while being a proud stand up American soldier to please and protect you. You are not doing him honor with this misplaced vengeance. Ask yourself what he would think of your efforts in his name.
It is , regardless of what some may think, a war to be taken seriously. A lot is at take!

F.Y.I. - guys only

I new it, news flash, scientific proof why men can't hear women!

Hey Honey, did you hear?

Hey Russia - rescue sub (WWII)

Your welcome!
You owe us(another)one.
Thats just the kind of folks we are!

Joe Biden - Who wants to be - YOUR DADDY

I'm so sick of Senator Joe Biden trying to come off as the voice of reason! Saw him on Fox News Sunday Aug 7, 05 with (laughable) counterpart, you know, the other side of the argument Senator Richard Lugar, discussing his MANY trips to Iraq on fact finding missions for the American People (Democrats) regarding the lack of U.S.troops and the small percentage of qualified Iraqis(3000)and the problems they're having due to that fact.
It's true, I won't argue with that ! What irks me though is when Biden comes out blasting away at the Administration for not going in with a broader coalition to share the load. HELLO, earth to Biden (building his run for the gold, base) We tryed to get your pals into a coalition and they refused, remember! To busy feeding at the oil for food trough albeit! It's really deceitful, disengenuous and down right bullshit for him to come off with that crap. I and hopefully others can see right thru his program. But he's good, dangerously good!

Sideshow Mahmoud

Aug 4, 05 - The miscarriage that lived, Al Zawahiri somewhere in Pakistan, came out with another video threatening the Brits for being inhumane and disrespectful to Muslims, LOL, the old fart finally went senile. The next video will probably be of he and Osama dancing naked by the pool of that Pakistani mansion their hideing out at.

Six Marines yesterday and fourteen today Aug/3/05 in a town near the Syrian border - what the hell - seal it off and do a fallugha to it!

Aug 7, 05 - Operation Quick Strike which is seriously putting an American boot up their asses has captured some correspondence meant for Zarkawi stating severe, low morale within the insurgents and asking him for help (as if he can slow down his running to help anyone). It also stated that they (insurgents) can't find safe houses ie; people willing to hide them.

The newbie terrorist/insurgents are complaining that they were lied to about how things are going and that once there being "forced" to become suicide bombers - this from two captured Libian and Saudis looking to add a couple American kills to their pickup lines back at the Casbar. Wouldn't it be great to send them back home as eunichs?
Has anyone besides me noticed how goofy looking these terroists are? I mean these guys are perfect candidates for things like suicide bombings ie; Richard Reed the shoe bomber and this new guy Harroon Aswat being extradited back to Brittain, not to bright either. A moment of pitty here. Ok, thats enough! I mean, you know, these guys couldn't get a date if they had to and no father in the world is going to do a prearranged marriage deal no matter how many goats he has. So, whats left? Suicide! Thats it, a ticket to paradise and the forty virgins. I'll bet they're locked out.

Judicias stealth

Boltons in for a year at least, maybe he will jerk a knot in the U.N.s neck! Everyone alive thats not brain dead knows they need a boot up their ass!

John Roberts to the judiciary ?

Not if the Libs get their way! But they wouldn't be happy unless Michael Moore was to be nominated anyway. The Liberals (democrats) have been frothing at the mouth about his not being qualified because his wife is a Catholic. Now, the New York Times has journalists sneaking around asking attorneys if it's possible to get the records of Mr. Roberts adoption papers on his two children. Jesus Christ, these people (democrats) are nothing but hit squads! If this was some Latin American Country they'ed be death squads. I'm losin my patience and it won't be long before I start kickin ass and takin names.

Brittain, are you awake now?

It's about time!
Profiling revisited - This is getting ridiculous! 2001, 41/2 years, lord knows how many bombings (add brittain to the list now) and we're still patronizing Muslim sensibilitys at the expense of everyone else. A bunch of New Yorkers aided by, you guessed it, the A.C.L.U. are taking N.Y.C. to court for the inconvenience of trying to save their skinny little asses from a wacko bomber, unbeleivable!

Scuttle the Shuttle

Do you beleive this? Two yrs, a billion dollars and they are still jeopardising astronauts lives!
Well, it's on the way home - with a blown out, yet not considered critical, pillow er bag er something!
Hold your breath and wish em well.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Couldn't have said it better myself

Being pressed for time I thought this appropriate!

The Myth of Moderate Islam
By Patrick Sookhdeo
The Spectator | August 2, 2005

The funeral of British suicide bomber Shehzad Tanweer was held in absentia in his family’s ancestral village, near Lahore, Pakistan. Thousands of people attended, as they did again the following day when a qul ceremony was held for Tanweer. During qul, the Koran is recited to speed the deceased’s journey to paradise, though in Tanweer’s case this was hardly necessary. Being a shahid (martyr), he is deemed to have gone straight to paradise. The 22-year-old from Leeds, whose bomb at Aldgate station killed seven people, was hailed by the crowd as ‘a hero of Islam’.

Some in Britain cannot conceive that a suicide bomber could be a hero of Islam. Since 7/7 many have made statements to attempt to explain what seems to them a contradiction in terms. Since the violence cannot be denied, their only course is to argue that the connection with Islam is invalid. The deputy assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Brian Paddick, said that ‘Islam and terrorists are two words that do not go together.’ His boss, the Commissioner Sir Ian Blair, asserted that there is nothing wrong with being a fundamentalist Muslim.

But surely we should give enough respect to those who voluntarily lay down their lives to accept what they themselves say about their motives. If they say they do it in the name of Islam, we must believe them. Is it not the height of illiberalism and arrogance to deny them the right to define themselves?

On 8 July the London-based Muslim Weekly unblushingly published a lengthy opinion article by Abid Ullah Jan entitled ‘Islam, Faith and Power’. The gist of the article is that Muslims should strive to gain political and military power over non-Muslims, that warfare is obligatory for all Muslims, and that the Islamic state, Islam and Sharia (Islamic law) should be established throughout the world. All is supported with quotations from the Koran. It concludes with a veiled threat to Britain. The bombings the previous day were a perfect illustration of what Jan was advocating, and the editor evidently felt no need to withdraw the article or to apologise for it. His newspaper is widely read and distributed across the UK.

By far the majority of Muslims today live their lives without recourse to violence, for the Koran is like a pick-and-mix selection. If you want peace, you can find peaceable verses. If you want war, you can find bellicose verses. You can find verses which permit only defensive jihad, or you can find verses to justify offensive jihad.

You can even find texts which specifically command terrorism, the classic one being Q8:59-60, which urges Muslims to prepare themselves to fight non-Muslims, ‘Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies’ (A. Yusuf Ali’s translation). Pakistani Brigadier S.K. Malik’s book The Quranic Concept of War is widely used by the military of various Muslim countries. Malik explains Koranic teaching on strategy: ‘In war our main objective is the opponent’s heart or soul, our main weapon of offence against this objective is the strength of our own souls, and to launch such an attack, we have to keep terror away from our own hearts.... Terror struck into the hearts of the enemies is not only a means, it is the end itself. Once a condition of terror into the opponent’s heart is obtained, hardly anything is left to be achieved. It is the point where the means and the end meet and merge. Terror is not a means of imposing decision on the enemy; it is the decision we wish to impose on him.’

If you permit yourself a little judicious cutting, the range of choice in Koranic teaching is even wider. A verse one often hears quoted as part of the ‘Islam is peace’ litany allegedly runs along the lines: ‘If you kill one soul it is as if you have killed all mankind.’ But the full and unexpurgated version of Q5:32 states: ‘If anyone slew a person — unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land — it would be as if he slew the whole people.’ The very next verse lists a selection of savage punishments for those who fight the Muslims and create ‘mischief’ (or in some English translations ‘corruption’) in the land, punishments which include execution, crucifixion or amputation. What kind of ‘mischief in the land’ could merit such a reaction? Could it be interpreted as secularism, democracy and other non-Islamic values in a land? Could the ‘murder’ be the killing of Muslims in Iraq? Just as importantly, do the Muslims who keep quoting this verse realise what a deception they are imposing on their listeners?

It is probably true that in every faith ordinary people will pick the parts they like best and practise those, while the scholars will work out an official version. In Islam the scholars had a particularly challenging task, given the mass of contradictory texts within the Koran. To meet this challenge they developed the rule of abrogation, which states that wherever contradictions are found, the later-dated text abrogates the earlier one. To elucidate further the original intention of Mohammed, they referred to traditions (hadith) recording what he himself had said and done. Sadly for the rest of the world, both these methods led Islam away from peace and towards war. For the peaceable verses of the Koran are almost all earlier, dating from Mohammed’s time in Mecca, while those which advocate war and violence are almost all later, dating from after his flight to Medina. Though jihad has a variety of meanings, including a spiritual struggle against sin, Mohammed’s own example shows clearly that he frequently interpreted jihad as literal warfare and himself ordered massacre, assassination and torture. From these sources the Islamic scholars developed a detailed theology dividing the world into two parts, Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam, with Muslims required to change Dar al-Harb into Dar al-Islam either through warfare or da’wa (mission).

So the mantra ‘Islam is peace’ is almost 1,400 years out of date. It was only for about 13 years that Islam was peace and nothing but peace. From 622 onwards it became increasingly aggressive, albeit with periods of peaceful co-existence, particularly in the colonial period, when the theology of war was not dominant. For today’s radical Muslims — just as for the mediaeval jurists who developed classical Islam — it would be truer to say ‘Islam is war’. One of the most radical Islamic groups in Britain, al-Ghurabaa, stated in the wake of the two London bombings, ‘Any Muslim that denies that terror is a part of Islam is kafir.’ A kafir is an unbeliever (i.e., a non-Muslim), a term of gross insult.

In the words of Mundir Badr Haloum, a liberal Muslim who lectures at a Syrian university, ‘Ignominious terrorism exists, and one cannot but acknowledge its being Islamic.’ While many individual Muslims choose to live their personal lives only by the (now abrogated) peaceable verses of the Koran, it is vain to deny the pro-war and pro-terrorism doctrines within their religion.

Could it be that the young men who committed suicide were neither on the fringes of Muslim society in Britain, nor following an eccentric and extremist interpretation of their faith, but rather that they came from the very core of the Muslim community and were motivated by a mainstream interpretation of Islam?

Muslims who migrated to the UK came initially for economic reasons, seeking employment. But over the last 50 years their communities have evolved away from assimilation with the British majority towards the creation of separate and distinct entities, mimicking the communalism of the British Raj. As a Pakistani friend of mine who lives in London said recently, ‘The British gave us all we ever asked for; why should we complain?’ British Muslims now have Sharia in areas of finance and mortgages; halal food in schools, hospitals and prisons; faith schools funded by the state; prayer rooms in every police station in London; and much more. This process has been assisted by the British government through its philosophy of multiculturalism, which has allowed some Muslims to consolidate and create a parallel society in the UK.

The Muslim community now inhabits principally the urban centres of England as well as some parts of Scotland and Wales. It forms a spine running down the centre of England from Bradford to London, with ribs extending east and west. It is said that within 10 to 15 years most British cities in these areas will have Muslim-majority populations, and will be under local Islamic political control, with the Muslim community living under Sharia.

What happens after this stage depends on which of the two main religious traditions among Pakistani-background British Muslims gains the ascendancy. The Barelwi majority believe in a slow evolution, gradually consolidating their Muslim societies, and finally achieving an Islamic state. The Deobandi minority argue for a quicker process using politics and violence to achieve the same result. Ultimately, both believe in the goal of an Islamic state in Britain where Muslims will govern their own affairs and, as the finishing touch, everyone else’s affairs as well. Islamism is now the dominant voice in contemporary Islam, and has become the seedbed of the radical movements. It is this that Sir Ian Blair has not grasped. For some time now the British government has been quoting a figure of 1.6 million for the Muslim population. Muslims themselves claim around 3 million, and this is likely to be far nearer to the truth. The growth of the Muslim community comes from their high birth-rate, primary immigration, and asylum-seekers both official and unofficial. There are also conversions to Islam.

The violence which is endemic in Muslim societies such as Pakistan is increasingly present in Britain’s Muslim community. Already we have violence by Pakistani Muslims against Kurdish Muslims, by Muslims against non-Muslims living among them (Caribbean people in the West Midlands, for example), a rapid growth in honour killings, and now suicide bombings. It is worth noting that many conflicts around the world are not internal to the Muslim community but external, as Muslims seek to gain territorial control, for example, in south Thailand, the southern Philippines, Kashmir, Chechnya and Palestine. Is it possible that a conflict of this nature could occur in Britain?

Muslims must stop this self-deception. They must with honesty recognise the violence that has existed in their history in the same way that Christians have had to do, for Christianity has a very dark past. Some Muslims have, with great courage, begun to do this.

Secondly, they must look at the reinterpretation of their texts, the Koran, hadith and Sharia, and the reformation of their faith. Mundir Badr Haloum has described this as ‘exorcising’ the terrorism from Islam. Mahmud Muhammad Taha argued for a distinction to be drawn between the Meccan and the Medinan sections of the Koran. He advocated a return to peaceable Meccan Islam, which he argued is applicable to today, whereas the bellicose Medinan teachings should be consigned to history. For taking this position he was tried for apostasy, found guilty and executed by the Sudanese government in 1985. Another modernist reformer was the Pakistani Fazlur Rahman, who advocated the ‘double movement’; i.e., understanding Koranic verses in their context, their ratio legis, and then using the philosophy of the Koran to interpret that in a modern, social and moral sense. Nasr Hamid Abu-Zayd, an Egyptian professor who argued similarly that the Koran and hadith should be interpreted according to the context in which they originated, was charged with apostasy, found guilty in June 1995 and ordered to separate from his wife.

The US-based Free Muslims Coalition, which was set up after 9/11 to promote a modern and secular version of Islam, has proposed the following:

1. A re-interpretation of Islam for the 21st century, where terrorism is not justified under any circumstances.

2. Separation of religion and state.

3. Democracy as the best form of government.

4. Secularism in all forms of political activity.

5. Equality for women.

6. Religion to be a personal relationship between the individual and his or her God, not to be forced on anyone.

This tempting vision of an Islam reformed along such lines is unlikely to be achieved except by a long and painful process of small steps. What might these be and how can we make a start? One step would be, as urged by the Prince of Wales, that every Muslim should ‘condemn these atrocities [the London bombings] and root out those among them who preach and practise such hatred and bitterness’. Universal condemnation of suicide bombers instead of acclamation as heroes would indeed be an excellent start.

Mansoor Ijaz has suggested a practical three-point action plan:

1. Forbid radical hate-filled preaching in British mosques. Deport imams who fail to comply.

2. Scrutinise British Islamic charities to identify those that fund terrorism. Prevent them receiving more than 10 per cent of their income from overseas.

3. Form community-watch groups comprising Muslim citizens to contribute useful information on fanatical Muslims to the authorities.

To this could be added Muslim acceptance of a secular society as the basis for their religious existence, an oath of allegiance to the Crown which would override their allegiance to their co-religionists overseas, and deliberate steps to move out of their ghetto-style existence both physically and psychologically.

For the government, the time has come to accept Trevor Phillips’s statement that multiculturalism is dead. We need to rediscover and affirm a common British identity. This would impinge heavily on the future development of faith schools, which should now be stopped.

Given the fate of some earlier would-be reformers, perhaps King Abdullah of Jordan or a leader of his stature might have the best chance of initiating a process of modernist reform. The day before the bombings he was presiding over a conference of senior scholars from eight schools of Islamic jurisprudence, and, amazingly, they issued a statement endorsing fatwas forbidding any Muslim from those eight schools to be declared an apostate. So reform is possible. The only problem with this particular action is that it may have protected Muslim leaders from being killed by dissident Muslims, but it negated a very helpful fatwa which had been issued in March by the Spanish Islamic scholars declaring Osama bin Laden an apostate. Could not the King re-convene his conference and ask them to issue a fatwa banning violence against non-Muslims also? This would extend the self-preservation of the Muslim community to the whole non-Muslim world.

Such reform — the changing of certain fairly central theological principles — will not be easy to achieve. It will be a long, hard road for Islam to get its house in order so that it can co-exist peacefully with the rest of society in the 21st century.

Dr Patrick Sookhdeo is Director of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity.
